Dude! Who get's stuck in the sand?? I mean really.....

Right, take your Razr down that hill and see if you come out!!!! but no doesn't stop with just the snow but there are alot more of me in the snow then the sand........ so lucky for us I have a few pics of him stuck......
his most famous stuck with the turbo on the bunny hill...even a girl made it...
How many does it take to turn that pig around????
the short cut in Whistler
The bottomless tree well......pathetic
making the new guy dig.....
this just wasn't your hour.......
20 feet and down you go
dont even try to blame the tree, it wasn't moving. Oh and flat ground too, nice job!!!!!!
yes this is all in the same hour.....
lets not forget when you stuck the Ford on flat ground...Hey i still haven't sent you the bill for the grass.....