I spent one summer working at an upscale landscaping center and saw my fair share of idiots and small and half-ton trucks that usually took kids to school or the mall.
However, my favorite was a guy who showed up with a really beat up early 90s ford f150. Asks for 2 yards of rock. I look at the truck and noted that was not going to work. He smiles and says, "I know. I have been trying to prove to my wife I need a better truck. She asked for a new garden, and that got me thinking. Now I know how to get a new truck. Kill the old one doing her a favor. Then she will feel bad about it and I get what I want too." So, out of respect for the man's truck needs, I obliged. On the way home I saw the truck on the side of the road. Springs up through the bed. Axle snapped. I laughed the whole way home. That guy was a GENIUS!