My Poo was sick and needed some medical attention. Had a bog. I was dreading the bog. I've seen posts that went for 3 pages trying to cure the bog. Even though nothing bad ever happens to me I was still worried. Called Clem's 3 weeks out. REALLY, 3 freaking weeks? Hire some techs man. That would have ended my season. Called Pieres, about a week out and super inconvenient for me to get too. So called Larson's and they said bring it in. I dealt with Jason, the service mgr. Super nice guy who actually listened and asked some questions. The dash was giving the check engine light when it bogged so I was hopeful would give him a clue. "mag side injector" was what was recorded. So Jason said 5 days to ship parts or he asked if I wanted to overnight the part in? I did. They got it along with a new injector harness(cool, being thorough) and got that installed same day it came in. When I picked it up I remembered I forgot to tell him about my notice for the pulley bolt recall. He already had caught that and installed it. So one trip down, 3 days, and a pick up and I have my sled back. $38 for overnight shipping, rest under warranty. Hope that's all it is and she is cured of the bog. Super happy with Larson's and Jason the service manager.