thats because your school is trying to brainwash you.
I believe it is because anyone can edit the information on wikipedia, making everything on their site suspect. If the information is suspect than it can not be cited as a source for FACTS. I commend you for actually trying to do some are getting closer to being able to argue your point, even if it is pretty F'ed up.
J-Fly said:
Maybe you should fertilize the tree since you are such a patriot. You would also be strengthening the gene pool. You call me racist because I could care less about illegal aliens, and dont go around bashing them every chance i get. I support everyone's right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, whether they are legal or illegal. And i support peace for the whole planet, not just America. I dont even believe we need countries. We need to come out of the dark ages and use the technology and science we have developed to cure poverty, hunger, and homelessness. We need to share the earth's resources intstead of letting a few people control all the natural resources for profit. By doing this we could eliminate crime and war.
You are asking someone to "fertilize the tree". One can only assume that you mean by killing himself, or he should "sign up to die" fighting for his country. That doesn't seem very peaceful to me. Practice what you preach bucko.
You dont care about Illegal Aliens in our country, and you also support every persons right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. What you are forgetting is that the Illegal is potentally in a job (lets say pizza delivery for fun) that a tax paying american CITIZEN, or even better, a LEGAL immigrant who pays taxes could be using to not just support their family or supplement their income, but also support their country by paying taxes. When that person snuck into this country they #1, broke the law. When they got a job under the table (because they can't legally work here) they #2, took a job from a CITIZEN as well as did not pay any taxes towards the country they "want" to live in to better their lives.
Let me ask you...if you were at all thankful for living in someones house, wouldn't you want to repay them somehow? Anyhow, between point #1 and #2 an illegals "pursuit of happiness" is taking away from joe smith who wants to deliver pizza for some ding dong who owns half a pizza place because the owner can pay the illegal less and not worry about benefits or taxes. In the end, joe smith is rightfully angry because someone who is already
breaking the law is now making the money he needed for his AMERICAN (tax paying) family.
In order to live in a country that affords you freedom of choice and protection from all enemies foreign and domestic (this includes the muslims who want to destroy our entire way of life) you have to give a little back for those offered to all legal citizens. To put it simply, the illegals want the benefits of being a citizen without having to be one.
we need to share the earth's resources intstead of letting a few people control all the natural resources for profit. By doing this we could eliminate crime and war.
you just described socialism. Who would regulate the redisribution of wealth...ahem, i mean natural resources? I'm pretty sure they tried redistributing wealth somewhere else before and it didn't work out so well....
I think you have a lot of noble ideas, but you are taking the human factor out of it.
If you can't understand that, you are a lost cause.
I'm off work for the day, see you f*ers later.