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Fire Watch

Going out riding with the boyz is one thing, especially a group ride. If the plan involved overnighting in the same room with the boyz- not the same. I've been out west long enough to know, Where there's Smoke, there's Fire. I'm just sayin'.......:flame:
sounds crazy to me.
if my wife was freaking out because a girl was going on a trip with 9 other guys sledding. I would have to start seriously questioning if this was the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.
ok if she was a X or something or if she had a rep I could poss see but just a girl going on a trip?
now if it was me and 9 girls I am sure there would be issues.
Missy I have been in the same situation somewhat, up until the last few years and technology. Finding other gals that ride have been few and far between, which meant I was usually the only gal riding. I would hear later from people I had rode with at one time or another that a wife was ticked that there was a gal on the ride and she was sure I was hot after her man.....really? When I am out riding that is what I am doing, not looking for a man. As a matter of fact, I was usually in a relationship and my man was on that ride, talk about getting all the facts before assuming. Lol
Missy I have been in the same situation somewhat, up until the last few years and technology. Finding other gals that ride have been few and far between, which meant I was usually the only gal riding. I would hear later from people I had rode with at one time or another that a wife was ticked that there was a gal on the ride and she was sure I was hot after her man.....really? When I am out riding that is what I am doing, not looking for a man. As a matter of fact, I was usually in a relationship and my man was on that ride, talk about getting all the facts before assuming. Lol

I am glad you know how I feel! :)

That sucks that they ditched you because of their wives. I'm lucky to have a husband who tortured me enough through the first couple of years of riding that I was forced to learn to keep up & have always rode with the guys (that just happens to be our group of riding buddies). I've never heard of any complaints from their wives/girlfriends & am hoping some of them will start joining us sometimes. I don't know if it would make a difference if I was 20 yrs younger or not, having recently been nicknamed "Battle Dwarf" by one of the guys we were riding with at Arctic Man, I'm thinking if that's how they're describing me, the gals also may think their men are pretty safe with me:) I do have to say that I would not have a problem with Josh riding with a group of guys and girls without me other than being jealous of the riding if I couldn't make the trip. On the other hand, I wouldn't want Josh to go on an overnighter with a group of girls... that's just me.
Ok, so since I can only comment on the girls I have ridden with..ladies...since I don't see any really good pics of ya..are you all like playboy bunnies, wearing those like ultra shear Klim leggings, those pushup tekvest, and those 6" spiked see thru HMK boots, or those crotchless 1 piece leathers or something?Just J/k girls...
Ok, so since I can only comment on the girls I have ridden with..ladies...since I don't see any really good pics of ya..are you all like playboy bunnies, wearing those like ultra shear Klim leggings, those pushup tekvest, and those 6" spiked see thru HMK boots, or those crotchless 1 piece leathers or something?Just J/k girls...

Ummm nope and especially not while riding *GRIN* or at least I and the ladies I have ridden with are out there to ride! Or play right girlpowder!?!

This is such a great topic, as I'm sure most ladies that are super passionate about this sport have had to deal with it at one time or another.

For me it boils down to respecting other people's feelings above anything else. As painful as it is to bail out on an epic trip with the boys, I would if I thought it would cause hurt feelings or drama for someone else. I've been invited on lots of boys only trips, right in front of wives even. To say yes would be selfish and hurtful, so I'm ok with riding another day.

I don't always understand why people would feel jealous, but I can respect their feelings. It's not worth the drama.
sounds crazy to me.
if my wife was freaking out because a girl was going on a trip with 9 other guys sledding. I would have to start seriously questioning if this was the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.
ok if she was a X or something or if she had a rep I could poss see but just a girl going on a trip?
now if it was me and 9 girls I am sure there would be issues.

I think ezra might be on to something there.:director:

Ok, so since I can only comment on the girls I have ridden with..ladies...since I don't see any really good pics of ya..are you all like playboy bunnies, wearing those like ultra shear Klim leggings, those pushup tekvest, and those 6" spiked see thru HMK boots, or those crotchless 1 piece leathers or something?Just J/k girls...

Yes we've seen your tekvest Missy.:shocked:

Haha, just yankin ur chain Missy. Lets turn this around now. How far do you think a single guy planing a pampered day at the spa with 9 married ladies would get?

Lol. Thought I'd lighten this up a bit. Utah section is slow.:face-icon-small-ton
Yes we've seen your tekvest Missy.:shocked:

Haha, just yankin ur chain Missy. Lets turn this around now. How far do you think a single guy planing a pampered day at the spa with 9 married ladies would get?

Lol. Thought I'd lighten this up a bit. Utah section is slow.:face-icon-small-ton

Hmmmm good question Mountaincat 800! I am pretty sure all the husbands wouldn't say he couldn't go to the spa though, especially if the ladies invited him to begin with! LOL :whip:
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Hmmmm good question Mountaincat 800! I am pretty sure all the husbands wouldn't say he couldn't go to the spa though, especially if the ladies invited him to begin with! LOL :whip:

Maybe a couple of the ladies wouldn't feel comfortable with him around.:face-icon-small-win
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