So I got into a discussion with some chick the other night about inmates on death row that have been waiting years for the and people who have committed some messed up crimes and just get life sentences. Some people say that the death sentence should be thrown out but I say keep it and throw out life sentences. I know it would save a lot of money on housing inmates. I think once someone gets the death sentence they cap them on the spot and not keep them around for 20 years before they actually get executed. Make an example of them so thugs and punks wouldn’t want to mess with the law like they do now. They should have a 3 strikes lights out law. I know I do not want to fork over my hard earned money so some guy can sit in a cell and jerk off all day long at my expense. All prisons should have chain gangs like they did back in the day. Get some work out of them and make it so that they don’t want to come back. I know some people wont agree with me at all but unfortunately my family has experience with these f&^^ers and it would be nice to see these people properly punished for once.