I saw the news alerts on Jackson's death, then shortly there after I saw Barney Franks defending his recent political positions and I thought to myself, how amazing is it that this country completely over looks how odd it is to have an adult male invite teenage boys over to his house.......and then I think, that same fruity mentality (Franks) is driving political policies in this country.
My point is, why do we entrust our country to the likes of Franks, when, at the same time, no red-blooded American sledhead (RAS)* would allow his son to be babysat by Barney Franks, and if you would, tell me you wouldn't be worried about him...a little.....if not A LOT!!!
*I say RAS because this just goes to prove, that if you agree with this point, how different we (foulpluggers) are from liberals back east, and how screwed we are as a nation as this type of behavior becomes acceptable at all levels of our society - media to politics. My point is, I think we should be able to trust politicians on levels.....unfortunately, that is not the case, not even 50% of the time.
My point is, why do we entrust our country to the likes of Franks, when, at the same time, no red-blooded American sledhead (RAS)* would allow his son to be babysat by Barney Franks, and if you would, tell me you wouldn't be worried about him...a little.....if not A LOT!!!
*I say RAS because this just goes to prove, that if you agree with this point, how different we (foulpluggers) are from liberals back east, and how screwed we are as a nation as this type of behavior becomes acceptable at all levels of our society - media to politics. My point is, I think we should be able to trust politicians on levels.....unfortunately, that is not the case, not even 50% of the time.