Define "proper maintenance".
I will argue this point, as I've had several sleds with chaincases over the years, and religously change chaincase oil every 300 miles, and remove the cover and inspect the chain twice per season (I usually only get to ride 900-1000 miles). I've had new chains break and take out the case, and I've had chains with 4000 miles on them with no real signs of wear, too. I think the operator's style of riding plays a huge part in chain longevity, and sometimes it boils down to build quality (replaced a LOT of ski-doo 13w chains in the late 90's to early 2000's)... How often do you service your chaincase, and what does your schedule entail? I check tension every ride if it has a manual tensioner, and as mentioned above, keep clean oil in it.
As for the RMK belt drive, there will be riders that will break belts, due to shock loading, modifications, and overall riding style. Pretty sure wifey's ProRMK 600 will be fine with it.