I know what you mean. I've encountered a number of people like that. Bad trail manners or stuck up cocky attitudes. I really don't think there's a lot of riders like that I just think it's the encounters with those types that stick in your memory. Yesterday, twice, a group passing by stopped to help me dig out my sled and once I helped another group out. I don't know why but I'm the type that can't pass someone stuck without stopping to help.
I had to back my truck out of my parking spot and two sledders stopped behind me, they acted like I was seriously putting them out asking them to move.
I did feel like when I rode my exciter I didn't get as much respect as I do now and that's down right stupid. The guys who love the sport enough to do it on whatever sled they can get their hands on are the ones who drive this sport in my opinion.
I had to back my truck out of my parking spot and two sledders stopped behind me, they acted like I was seriously putting them out asking them to move.
I did feel like when I rode my exciter I didn't get as much respect as I do now and that's down right stupid. The guys who love the sport enough to do it on whatever sled they can get their hands on are the ones who drive this sport in my opinion.