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Information on AK Snowester Passes Away in Petesville


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Nov 26, 2007
Trump, AK.
Eric was an enthusiast of the sport of snowmobiling. It was a big passion for him, just as much as it is for the rest of us. His last machine was a 2000 Thundercat Mountaincat all modded out and his newest was an 09 M8 162". When he picked me up Saturday morning we both knew it was going to be one of those day's that would be a memorable one. All the signs were there, from the stars you could see in the early morning sky, to the reports of new snow and knowing what it was like from our ride there the previous Monday with seven of his good friends. Schu being one of them. On Saturday Eric & I rode for about a hour before the rest of the crew arrived and went up Kroto creek and it was a great warm up. Then we met with Mike (AKSNOWRIDER) & the rest of the of the riders at the parking lot and immediately headed out. We started hitting the hills at Dollar Creek and was having an Epic day. It was about 1:30 or so when he got stuck on a pretty steep section. When he came down, he said he was feeling discomfort with his heart. Someone in the group (I can't remember who) gave him some aspirin & there was talk of heading back to the Road House. When he arrived inside the Road House he collapsed where three off duty APD officers gave him CPR, but to no avail (Thank You APD).
For me, Eric will be remembered as a good man with a big heart, who loved his wife Diana & his four daughters. My condolences again go out to his family and friends. He truly will be missed.

Eric earlier in the morning


Eric in the background with Peter & his sled


This is what Eric was looking at the majority of the day

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