heres my .01 cent on this.
There used to be workers visas that were for seasonal jobs, that worked just fine. but with the illegals they don't go home. to say that they aren't criminals is wrong. they broke the law coming here. Most people are in one way or another. If you get caught drinking before 21 guess what, it goes on your record and you get delt with accordingly. it seems to me that you get more punishment for a MIP or the like, than being here illegally.
If anyone who comes here waits their turn and goes the the process I have no problem with them. They are usually the ones who come there to work the butt off and chase the real american dream.
With the whole Job americans won't do I think is a line of BS trying to justify them being here. americans have lost the pride of doing what it takes to make it and would rather collect from the goverment than go out and do a job that makes em break a sweat. The reason is that they feel entitled to having all the good things given to them, when really it's your are entitled to your freedom and the right to go out, bust your butt and make a better life through schooling, good old hard work and living on less than you make. When push comes to shove americans will do the work, they did before and once people get humbled, they will do it again. And i have done jobs that "americans won't do". We as a country are just lazy and a bunch of whiners.
My family came here legally and i expect the rest to do the same. the United States of America is great, no doubt about that, but theres a few things that piss me off. our offical language is English, so why is there press one for English and 2 for spanish?? we cater to this way to much. if you can't get by on english in this country you haven't meet one of the requirements to be here. another is how far we are straying for our constution. i won't even go into that but if you don't think so, go read it and look at what our goverment is trying to do.
This is getting way too long but I don't have anything against people wanting to come here and make a better life, I actually encourage it. But do it along the lines of the law like the rest of us, quit taking short cuts. and once you do that become an American, not your country first then and American.