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How about our great President!!!

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Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd
Sorry!!!! to hear that my condolences ( the visiting part not that you were born there )

I think its a great thing. he may get them mn folks thinking his way. i wish he would come west another state. would like to see a working man like DJT. he's a great guy keep up the great things your doing.


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Rigby, Idaho
Jan 15, 2010
So now your great leader wants “his people” to stand at attention for him just like they do in NK for their leader who is now Donny’s best bud (like he!! he was joking...) you freedom lovin gun totin patriots ought to be losing your sh!t. Can you imagine if obama (or bush for that matter) said that?? What, do you have to trade in your balls to get a MAGA hat or something?


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
So now your great leader wants “his people” to stand at attention for him just like they do in NK for their leader who is now Donny’s best bud (like he!! he was joking...) you freedom lovin gun totin patriots ought to be losing your sh!t. Can you imagine if obama (or bush for that matter) said that?? What, do you have to trade in your balls to get a MAGA hat or something?

Are you confusing this with standing for our great national anthem?
Jan 15, 2010
Are you confusing this with standing for our great national anthem?

Wow, you clearly missed your required daily viewing of the trump news network ( fox) and his totally unhinged rant for 45 mins where he stated that he wanted you (his people) to stand at attention for him like they do in NK. He kinda forgot the part about what happens to people not standing at attention in NK for their leader

It’s actually worth seeing the amount of outright lies in that interview, he really outdid himself this time, to the point that fox has no mention of it on their site at all (not surprising that they would eliminate their own piece that makes him look that stupid)
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Well-known member
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Aug 30, 2011
Wow, you clearly missed your required daily viewing of the trump news network ( fox) and his totally unhinged rant for 45 mins where he stated that he wanted you (his people) to stand at attention for him like they do in NK. He kinda forgot the part about what happens to people not standing at attention in NK for their leader
That's quite an interpretation reach but whatever makes you happy JTK.
It’s actually worth seeing the amount of outright lies in that interview, he really outdid himself this time, to the point that fox has no mention of it on their site at all (not surprising that they would eliminate their own piece that makes him look that stupid)
Its not on their site??
Its also not(sarcasm)on their youtube channel:
Watched the entire vid, happy that Trump is running the country like a "business man" and not a bought politician.
Jan 15, 2010
That's quite an interpretation reach but whatever makes you happy JTK.

Its not on their site??
Its also not(sarcasm)on their youtube channel:
Watched the entire vid, happy that Trump is running the country like a "business man" and not a bought politician.

Not a bought politician, that’s funny. Nothing in the first link about any of the blatant lies and easily provable falsehoods. Or the part where he wants “my people” to stand at attention for him. I don’t care who is president, none of us are “his people”, he works for you.

He is so off his rocker it’s almost funny at this point. Almost.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
I get it. Bitter people choose to be bitter.
Hopefully you can find a way to appreciate the positives in this life.


Well-known member
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Aug 30, 2011
Trump strikes a deal with NKorea thus protecting the safety of all Americans.
And yet again some "news" agencies try to turn this victory into a smear.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Trump strikes a deal with NKorea thus protecting the safety of all Americans.
And yet again some "news" agencies try to turn this victory into a smear.

I've said it before, if our great President Trump came out against blowjobs, most of the left, including a handful on this site, would be sucking tallywhackers before sunset.
Jan 15, 2010
I've said it before, if our great President Trump came out against blowjobs, most of the left, including a handful on this site, would be sucking tallywhackers before sunset.

You actually think he struck a “deal” with NK? They signed an agreement to keep negotiating. NK has committed to de-nuclearization how many times in recent years? Your great leader had a wonderful love in with KJU and may have actually made some progress (yes, I really did say that) but they are so far from a real nuclear deal at this point... of course Donny claimed he has solved the whole thing and moved onto the next item, and of course you guys believe him.

Oh yea, if Donny is such a big tough great leader why won’t he man up and own the FACT that his admin is using kids to blackmail congress into paying for the wall that Mexico was gonna pay for instead of looking like such a complete jacka$$ blaming it on the democrats.

Nice lie about Germany’s crime rate today too, you probably believe that as well.
Jan 15, 2010

You ‘muricans could never build anything within an order of magnitude of that project without cheap foreign labour. Never have, never will. You think Mexicans are gonna apply for visas to build that? Yea right.

The Chinese said it good today-a wise man builds bridges, a fool builds walls. especially in a country with “terrible horrible crumbling” infrastructure (according to Donny). Seems like if yer gonna spend $50b (no way that wall would be built for $25b) when your budget deficit is already over $1t for the year it might as well be on something that’s actually worth a sh!t.

If the illegals are supposedly taking all of your jobs then why is unemployment all of the sudden 3.8%? I thought Donny said it was 40% during the election, seems like everyone who wants a job has one now that according to him he has created the best economy ever... from what I hear the bigger issue is finding workers these days ( sure is up here)

Guess you guys really did have to trade in your ba!!s (and brains) for those cute little maga hats.
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