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How about our great President!!!

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Aug 30, 2011
I love watching liberal news when they report Trumps success/wins. They can't just report his wins they always have to throw in some slander in attempt to discredit his success.
Jan 15, 2010
Thank you for acknowledging that the Trump administration secured the release of prisoners from North Korea.

Oh wait, you didn't. Oh well, fake news swept it under the too.

Before you start sucking on his Cheeto you might want to ask yourself two questions-what did he give up to secure the release and would you actually believe his response to the first question? Don’t get me wrong, it’s great those guys got released, but before you start screaming fake news you’d better look at the whole picture. There’s a lot more to this than Donny screaming fire and fury and NK letting em go-nothings free.

I’ll bet the Americans held in Iran right now aren’t too stoked on his actions over there.

I also find it totally fu(ked that Donny had the nerve to say that Obama never did anything to release these 3 from NK. He forgot one key fact-two of them were detained under Donny’s watch in the first place. What a dingus. I bet you didn’t see that on fox...


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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho


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Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd
Before you start sucking on his Cheeto you might want to ask yourself two questions-what did he give up to secure the release and would you actually believe his response to the first question? Don’t get me wrong, it’s great those guys got released, but before you start screaming fake news you’d better look at the whole picture. There’s a lot more to this than Donny screaming fire and fury and NK letting em go-nothings free.

I’ll bet the Americans held in Iran right now aren’t too stoked on his actions over there.

I also find it totally fu(ked that Donny had the nerve to say that Obama never did anything to release these 3 from NK. He forgot one key fact-two of them were detained under Donny’s watch in the first place. What a dingus. I bet you didn’t see that on fox...

Face it he gets things done. if oboma was in yet we would have to give them who know's what nuc plans. whos know's what he would have done. oh cra-p thats right nothing would be it...

Jean-Luc Picard

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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
For the record.... That's the left pushing that crap.
You know full well that our great President Trump would never sign off on that sh!t.

I never claimed he would. It's being said by folks with 2020 Presidential aspirations. It's a political forum. I'm just putting something out there for comment. Your obsession with "left v Right" is absurd. Yes. I get most of my news from NPR. I also realize it has its own slant. And when that slant gets ridiculous, I call it out. Unlike most followers of Fox news. Part of the reason I listen to any news is to know what is actually going on out there & what propaganda both ends are spouting.

I think a large part of the problem is the extreme polarization of all things political. So much so that the "left" thinks they have to propose something as preposterous as guaranteed jobs for everyone. How do you fire a rotten employee if everyone is guaranteed a job?

On the other end of the spectrum you have the "right" building walls & demonizing refugees.

Do I agree with Trump on some things. Sure. I'm honestly pleased with how he's handling NK and the UN, and its a mixed bag in China. We'll see if anything actually comes of it, but hey, he's got the job. We all get to see what comes of it until at least 2021.

What I find ridiculous is the amount of Republican Primary candidates in Idaho who are trying to hang their hat with Trump. The simple fact is that in Idaho, yes Republicans voted for Trump because he was the Republican candidate. But only about 1 in 10 were happy about it. The reason Trump got elected was because he's a candidate who shakes things up. If you want to get elected, shake things up. It still needs a whole lot more than Trump could provide even in 8 years.


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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
What I find ridiculous is the amount of Republican Primary candidates in Idaho who are trying to hang their hat with Trump. The simple fact is that in Idaho, yes Republicans voted for Trump because he was the Republican candidate. But only about 1 in 10 were happy about it. The reason Trump got elected was because he's a candidate who shakes things up. If you want to get elected, shake things up. It still needs a whole lot more than Trump could provide even in 8 years.

Glad to see I am not the only guy who NOTICED that!
Every other word out of their mouths is "Trump"...


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Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.
Drain the Swamp!

WASHINGTON – Lobbying firms managed by former campaign aides, fundraisers and others with ties to President Trump and Vice President Pence have collected at least $28 million in federal lobbying fees since Trump assumed the presidency, a USA TODAY analysis found.

Leading the way: Ballard Partners, overseen by Brian Ballard, a veteran Florida lobbyist who raised money for Trump’s campaign and inauguration. Its leadership includes Susie Wiles, who ran Trump’s winning 2016 campaign in Florida.

Although Trump campaigned on a pledge to "drain the swamp" of Washington special interests, his former political aides and other figures in his orbit are building larger profiles in the world of Washington influence he criticized.

In all, registered lobbyists with ties to Trump and Pence have leadership roles in at least 10 firms in Washington, a USA TODAY review shows. Other federal lobbyists with growing client lists and ties to the administration include Pence's former chief of staff Bill Smith, whose clients include AT&T; Victor Smith, who served as Pence’s commerce secretary in Indiana; and Barry Bennett, a former Trump campaign aide who built a firm with a roster of domestic and deep-pocketed international clients.


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Feb 8, 2010
I see yesterdays shooter used a shotgun and revolver. Assault Rifle ban is not going to solve our problems.
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