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How about our great President!!!

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Aug 30, 2011
You ‘muricans could never build anything within an order of magnitude of that project without cheap foreign labour. Never have, never will. You think Mexicans are gonna apply for visas to build that? Yea right.

The Chinese said it good today-a wise man builds bridges, a fool builds walls. especially in a country with “terrible horrible crumbling” infrastructure (according to Donny). Seems like if yer gonna spend $50b (no way that wall would be built for $25b) when your budget deficit is already over $1t for the year it might as well be on something that’s actually .

Well we spend over 115 billion a year on illegal immigrants so that 50 will pay for itself quickly.

freekweet mods

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
We need to make a system on snowest where we can give a half rating for helpful and half rating for thanks - for posts that are half of all that. This way we could align ourselves better with a government that is always part truths and half lies.
Jan 15, 2010
Well we spend over 115 billion a year on illegal immigrants so that 50 will pay for itself quickly.

You actually think that a wall will stop illegal immigration? Again, how do most illegals get into the us? They overstay temporary work visas. As long as people like your great president are willing to hire and pay illegals they will be there (you think he built high rises without illegal foreign workers? Ha ha.).

How many visas did he request for mar-a-lago recently? 60 ish if I recall... I thought the Mexicans are taking all the jobs, but even your great president needs foreign workers. No red blooded ‘murican wants to change the sheets after one of Donny’s golden shower parties for $10/hr. I’d love to know how many mar-a-lago workers have overstayed their visas...

The wall is a total joke. Your acceptance of Paying for it is an even bigger joke after all that BS about Mexico paying for it. You want something that works? Lock up a couple guys like Donny that hire tons of illegals and make a very public example out of them as to what happens when you hire illegals. But he will never do that cause cheap illegal foreign labour helps the profit margins of the rich that have him in their pocket. This crap about a wall is just red meat to feed his base that’s too stupid to understand economics 101. Might as well light $50b on fire.


Well-known member
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Sep 4, 2001
Provo, UT
You ‘muricans could never build anything within an order of magnitude of that project without cheap foreign labour. Never have, never will. You think Mexicans are gonna apply for visas to build that? Yea right.

The Chinese said it good today-a wise man builds bridges, a fool builds walls. especially in a country with “terrible horrible crumbling” infrastructure (according to Donny). Seems like if yer gonna spend $50b (no way that wall would be built for $25b) when your budget deficit is already over $1t for the year it might as well be on something that’s actually worth a sh!t.

Funny I thought the Chinese build a big wall???


Well-known member
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Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.
You ‘muricans could never build anything within an order of magnitude of that project without cheap foreign labour. Never have, never will. You think Mexicans are gonna apply for visas to build that? Yea right.

The Chinese said it good today-a wise man builds bridges, a fool builds walls. especially in a country with “terrible horrible crumbling” infrastructure (according to Donny). Seems like if yer gonna spend $50b (no way that wall would be built for $25b) when your budget deficit is already over $1t for the year it might as well be on something that’s actually worth a sh!t.

Funny I thought the Chinese build a big wall???
I'm sure he is talking about a Chinese proverb.
Trump said repeatedly the border wall will be built and Mexico would pay for it. Those are the facts as I see them.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
What would Jesus say about separating children from their parent(s)?

Fact 1 - Don't cross the border illegally and family remains intact.

Fact 2 - Where was this outrage when this was happening under other Presidents?
Your news source is very selective about what they are feeding you and what they are witholding from you.
Hence the #FakeNews moniker.


Well-known member
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Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd
You ‘muricans could never build anything within an order of magnitude of that project without cheap foreign labour. Never have, never will. You think Mexicans are gonna apply for visas to build that? Yea right.

The Chinese said it good today-a wise man builds bridges, a fool builds walls. especially in a country with “terrible horrible crumbling” infrastructure (according to Donny). Seems like if yer gonna spend $50b (no way that wall would be built for $25b) when your budget deficit is already over $1t for the year it might as well be on something that’s actually worth a sh!t.

If the illegals are supposedly taking all of your jobs then why is unemployment all of the sudden 3.8%? I thought Donny said it was 40% during the election, seems like everyone who wants a job has one now that according to him he has created the best economy ever... from what I hear the bigger issue is finding workers these days ( sure is up here)

Guess you guys really did have to trade in your ba!!s (and brains) for those cute little maga hats.
If your shot worker up there then why dont you come south and pic some workers up and there children and take them north. you seem to know every thing about are country. im with DJT quit taking advantage of us step out on your own its called man up.... if you need a dem or tow will send them with the mexicans.
Jan 15, 2010
If your shot worker up there then why dont you come south and pic some workers up and there children and take them north. you seem to know every thing about are country. im with DJT quit taking advantage of us step out on your own its called man up.... if you need a dem or tow will send them with the mexicans.

You should “man up” and take an English as a second language course with some of those evil Mexicans and learn to spell.
Jan 15, 2010
You ‘muricans could never build anything within an order of magnitude of that project without cheap foreign labour. Never have, never will. You think Mexicans are gonna apply for visas to build that? Yea right.

The Chinese said it good today-a wise man builds bridges, a fool builds walls. especially in a country with “terrible horrible crumbling” infrastructure (according to Donny). Seems like if yer gonna spend $50b (no way that wall would be built for $25b) when your budget deficit is already over $1t for the year it might as well be on something that’s actually worth a sh!t.

Funny I thought the Chinese build a big wall???

Yup, they sure did a few thousand years ago. And it failed miserably. Why am I not surprised you hee-haws want to try it again?
Nov 10, 2010
If your shot worker up there then why dont you come south and pic some workers up and there children and take them north. you seem to know every thing about are country. im with DJT quit taking advantage of us step out on your own its called man up.... if you need a dem or tow will send them with the mexicans.

Jesus ****ing Christ man, take a little pride in your language. That is painfull to read. If english is not your first language i apologize.


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Sep 4, 2001
Provo, UT
Jan 15, 2010
Great Wall helped defend the empire against the Manchu invasions that began around 1600. Even after the loss of all of Liaodong, the Ming army held the heavily fortified Shanhai Pass, preventing the Manchus from conquering the Chinese heartland


The next sentence of the article you reference speaks of the Manchus crossing the wall in 1644 and taking over...

Also read the last portion of the introduction to this article https://www.history.com/topics/great-wall-of-china

Any history class would tell you that building walls on very long remote borders in general is a complete waste of time and money.

You must have gone to the same school as bubba.



Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd
Jesus ****ing Christ man, take a little pride in your language. That is painfull to read. If english is not your first language i apologize.

My problem is i have big hand's and hit the send button to quick. my hands are twice the size of most guys. ill try harder. how about DJT keep it up im with you all the way. how's my spelling.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Sep 4, 2001
Provo, UT
Great Wall helped defend the empire against the Manchu invasions that began around 1600. Even after the loss of all of Liaodong, the Ming army held the heavily fortified Shanhai Pass, preventing the Manchus from conquering the Chinese heartland


The next sentence of the article you reference speaks of the Manchus crossing the wall in 1644 and taking over...

Also read the last portion of the introduction to this article https://www.history.com/topics/great-wall-of-china

Any history class would tell you that building walls on very long remote borders in general is a complete waste of time and money.

You must have gone to the same school as bubba.

So the wall worked for 44 years.

What history class did you have that told you about building long walls?
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