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How about our great President!!!

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Jan 15, 2010
Its either donnie is full of **** or all the commie mainstream media is. I'm betting on freedom, which is not part of communism..
The media on all sides steers the narrative to meet their needs. It’s up to you as an “intelligent “ human to sort through the BS and look at the primary sources as much as possible. Saying that only the “msm” is full of it but fringe sites like gateway pundit aren’t is self imposed myopia.

Donny on the other hand is definitely full of sh!t. Like I said before, all you have to do is listen to what he says (primary source)... “Healthcare plan in 2 weeks!!” “My inauguration crowd was the biggest ever and it didn’t rain!!” “I won in a landslide!!!” And on and on...


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Son, if you are asking me about my faith for the sole purpose to mock or criticize it, you've got the wrong fella.

However, I'll play your game for a moment.
Our great President Trump believes in protecting unborn children.
The left celebrates and glorifies the butchering of tens of thousands of these children every year.

These are the same people that are obsessed with "orange man bad"
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Nov 29, 2010
Cody WY

2020 Salute to America​

For the life of me I can’t understand why any normal US citizen hates President Trump so bad. Why would they hate a President that looks out for our countries best interest far and away more than any President for years before him. In fact our past President did things that were horrible for our country and the media and so many sheeple think he was sooo good. I can understand why the far left wing politicians and their minions do, and I am not a fan of some of the things he has said during his Presidency. I definitely do not approve of his life before he became President either. But since he has been in office it seems like he has definitely taken a higher moral road. He has been so pro USA and has given speeches like this, but people just don’t want to hear what he says. I guess it’s just the main stream media spewing lies or half truths to make him look bad. And the dems in office that are such hypocrites to cry foul when Trump makes a decision even though they did or said the exact same things they accuse him of. We should change our Constitution to read “We the sheeple”.
Jan 15, 2010
Son, if you are asking me about my faith for the sole purpose to mock or criticize it, you've got the wrong fella.

However, I'll play your game for a moment.
Our great President Trump believes in protecting unborn children.
The left celebrates and glorifies the butchering of tens of thousands of these children every year.

These are the same people that are obsessed with "orange man bad"
I’m asking you to defend your statement that Donny embodies Christian values. 10-1 he’s paid for (or at least said he was gonna pay) a whole bunch of abortions from his extra-marital affairs over the years so that’s a weak argument. If you could actually logically defend a statement like that then maybe you wouldn’t get mocked for just relying on blind faith...

As for abortion, making it illegal isn’t gonna stop it just like making drugs illegal didn’t stop them. Just makes it way worse for everyone involved. The best way to limit abortion (and I agree that limiting it is a good thing...) is to make birth control and contraception readily and cheaply available because teaching abstinence sure as hell isn’t gonna stop people from fu(king. But all you religious right wing nutbars seem to think birth control is bad and cutting welfare and support for the poor is good. Hmmm, that policy just might drive more irresponsible people to end up seeking abortions...just another insane contradiction.
May 2, 2013
I mean DJT wasn't a "complete" failure as a president but yeah he wasted 4 years and put America in the toilet with lies and bullshit promises. Maybe he was a democratic operative because he handed them the reins in the end. Lol


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Feb 27, 2008
From JTK:

"As for abortion, making it illegal isn’t gonna stop it just like making drugs illegal didn’t stop them. Just makes it way worse for everyone involved. The best way to limit abortion (and I agree that limiting it is a good thing...) is to make birth control and contraception readily and cheaply available because teaching abstinence sure as hell isn’t gonna stop people from fu(king. But all you religious right wing nutbars seem to think birth control is bad and cutting welfare and support for the poor is good. Hmmm, that policy just might drive more irresponsible people to end up seeking abortions...just another insane contradiction."

Careful there, you might get into cross ways with your libtard protege simple with that line of reasoning. That boy/undefined wants to sell grasses to the masses, which will surely lead to "increased personal responsibility" i'm sure. Right?


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
The best way to limit abortion (and I agree that limiting it is a good thing...) is to make birth control and contraception readily and cheaply available because teaching abstinence sure as hell isn’t gonna stop people from fu(king.

We share some common ground on our opinions about this.

Blu Du

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Feb 19, 2008
Nisswa Mn.
I mean DJT wasn't a "complete" failure as a president but yeah he wasted 4 years and put America in the toilet with lies and bullshit promises. Maybe he was a democratic operative because he handed them the reins in the end. Lol
that guy Simple, He really is just a simple mind
May 2, 2013
I see through the bullshit. You got played by a con man.

Even today he backtracked on allowing his administration to become lobbyists. That was one of his first toothless executive orders. Looks like Obama did it better...again.
May 2, 2013
Instead of shooting blanks at Biden, it may be a better idea to save the Republican party from fracturing more than it has. Or maybe not. The conspiracy theory party has a nice ring to it. I think the world recognizes that the GOP is no longer the conservative group after what Trump and previously the Tea Party did to it. What a mess. Meanwhile Bernie fractured the Democrats and they have their own battles to wage.

Isn't politics interesting? So dramatic! So many people screwing over others!

Or just ignore politics and be a good American citizen and be respectful and kind to everyone in person. I'll continue to be dick to online trolls because secretly that is how they want to be treated. Mommy or daddy issues most likely. Hey we all got some kinda hangups. Bye now
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Jan 15, 2010
And Donny left just like he spent his time in office. Whining, bitching, lying. Kinda like the kid who wouldn’t shake hands after losing a little league game. What an embarrassment. You guys must be so proud.
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