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How about our great President!!!

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May 2, 2013
Whole list of insults but no rebuttal. Yes I am the problem.
Rebut what? Your opinion is that the liberal Dems and the fake news are what is screwed up. I called you an indoctrinated member of a cult and that is me being nice. What I really should call you is a Naziboy ameritard. I'm not sure if that is better or worse than LE who is a sociopath with a meme fetish.

Lol happy Friday. Go tune up your Artic Cats cuz winter will be here right after Trump loses and has to be dragged out of office clutching his American flag.
May 2, 2013
Yeah this scheme didn't work out for the Trump team either. Fire on a Friday is a classic Trump move.



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Aug 30, 2011
Rebut what? Your opinion is that the liberal Dems and the fake news are what is screwed up. I called you an indoctrinated member of a cult and that is me being nice. What I really should call you is a Naziboy ameritard. I'm not sure if that is better or worse than LE who is a sociopath with a meme fetish.

Lol happy Friday. Go tune up your Artic Cats cuz winter will be here right after Trump loses and has to be dragged out of office clutching his American flag.
Here I thought I was having a civil debate with a stand up democrat until you started losing and reverted to name calling.
Go back a couple of posts, you claimed Trump didnt handle the virus well and yet you havent given your support of blocking illegal aliens that may have covid from entering our country....oh wait cant do that cause the dems would lose voters.....
Back to Trump and the pandemic...
Trump did what every other country did when listening to false information from the experts. In fact, he did it better than most since he shutdown flights way back at the start.
Every country in the world shutdown due to the virus.
It is the WHO & CDC’s faults for being the experts and telling all these leaders what they thought was going to happen but they were extremely wrong.
But Simple if it makes you feel better just keep hating Trump and calling your fellow Americans nazis.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Here I thought I was having a civil debate with a stand up democrat

That’s where you went wrong...

SIMPLE-minded isn’t a Democrat. He‘s a centrist so to speak, to the best of our knowledge, even though he questions our knowledge. It’s a win-win for him this way.

Unfortunately, he has a very strong dislike for our President. Don prolly said something that hurt his feelings. IDK? Can’t imagine hating someone the way he hates President Trump.

SIMPLE is above everyone on every level...so far up, even he can’t explain it. It’s just too complicated for us to understand & then we are told to do our own research. WTH? He’s all about himself.

Can’t imagine how he would treat Joe, if he were to be elected...? SIMPLE might be Nancy’s pool boy for all we know. He’s started to lose his composure a bit lately & has taken to posting memes, which is out of character for someone of his stature.

Have a good weekend all!

turboless terry

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Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
Calling Americans nazis shows how dumb you really are. Especially for someone who claims to be so smart and everyone else is so stupid, evil and so racist. The name calling always comes when they have nothing intelligent to say. Frustration begins where knowledge ends. Simple has been frustrated for a long time. This is a snowmobile forum. Maybe try nancyboy. Com


Well-known member
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Nov 1, 2008
Southwestern Idaho
Simple . . . . is "BIg 10 inch mouth" resurrected. Talks like him, acts like him, has NOTHING to add to the conversation, resorts to personal attacks when all else fails (which it always does) . . same little fella - different name :)
May 2, 2013
It is so funny that you tough guys get so upset when I insult you. Who are the snowflakes now? What a bunch of fat, old, washed up crybaby men you are. I can only believe your wives, if you have one, just don't even pay attention to your political ramblings anymore. Always carrying on about liberals, and riots, and Hillary/Obama/Biden and she is wishing you paid more attention to her and her interests. I wish I could hug her and touch her WAP to show her real men exist. Oh and Trump is a con man still. That hasn't changed. Can't wait for the debates for him to just go on and on with how great of a job he did and the rioting is all Bidens fault. Meanwhile Biden hasn't had to do squat but let Trump cause more chaos. Oh America, your racist roots are showing...too bad you can't hide it right now.
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