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How about our great President!!!

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Nov 18, 2014
See the link for deaths per million population by country. The US reportedly has a large number of deaths due to Covid-19, but that has been shown to be overshot, as no actual testing needs to be completed to be ruled a corona virus death.


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Feb 27, 2008
Well, if the chart is accurate, then it is the first pandemic ever to have saved lives. Before anyone jumps on that, I acknowledge that the stay at home orders definitely had an effect on the numbers and I agree we will never know to what extent.

Looks like genuine numbers of Covid 19 deaths are a tiny fraction of what they really are (thanks to new in March 24 CDC guidelines on what to attribute death to on death certificates).

Lies, Damn Lies, and statistics.

Ask about anyone the question: "What effect has Covid 19 had on the total death rate in the USA so far this year?" My guess is most would say it has increased by ~40,000. It is also my guess that most would be STUNNED to learn that is 40,000 lower than the same time period last year. (again, we'll never know how much the SAHO had)

Just when my mistrust of the hysterical liberal media couldn't get any higher, it does.
Jan 15, 2010
Do you have any idea how silly you sound?
Not nearly as silly as anyone still trying to defend the mango messiah. After his rant on Thursday do even his most ardent supporters actually think he is mentally ok? That was not the sound of a reasonable sane stable leader. That was completely ridiculous and if I heard a buddy talking like that over beers I’d ask what the heck they’d been smoking... he is a fool and you are all fools to believe a single word he says and the rest of the world can see it for what it is.


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Feb 27, 2008
I won't speak for anyone else, but I find it particularly gratifying when rabid socialist bigots HATE our leader.

I remember in school learning about another rabid socialist bigot leader from the 1930's and 1940's, he had a mustache.... can't remember his name.... but I'm pretty sure he HATED the leadership of the USA at the time also.
Jan 15, 2010
Well, you pray at the alter of queen trudeau, so maybe work on that and don't worry about your big brother down south.
Who said anything about Trudeau? That’s a deflection right up there with “but but Hillary bengazi!!! Hannity would be proud of ya.

Donny is now cancelling the daily press briefings and calling them a waste of time because he completely humiliated himself. Think about that-the president just said that he has been completely wasting hours a day in order to update and inform the people in a time of crisis. Or to quote the great Eric cartman, “screw you guys, I’m going home”. Top notch leadership, that’s for sure....
Nov 18, 2014
Who said anything about Trudeau? That’s a deflection right up there with “but but Hillary bengazi!!! Hannity would be proud of ya.

Donny is now cancelling the daily press briefings and calling them a waste of time because he completely humiliated himself. Think about that-the president just said that he has been completely wasting hours a day in order to update and inform the people in a time of crisis. Or to quote the great Eric cartman, “screw you guys, I’m going home”. Top notch leadership, that’s for sure....
You sure seem like a miserable person
Jan 15, 2010
I won't speak for anyone else, but I find it particularly gratifying when rabid socialist bigots HATE our leader.

I remember in school learning about another rabid socialist bigot leader from the 1930's and 1940's, he had a mustache.... can't remember his name.... but I'm pretty sure he HATED the leadership of the USA at the time also.

Funny, cause your current leadership sure seemed to like the guy with the moustache. Only book I’ve ever heard of Donny reading is mein kampf, you can guess who wrote that. Goebbels (propaganda minister for mr moustache) would have been proud of the way Donny plays , remember when the current administration said “what you are seeing and hearing isn’t the truth, what we are saying is”??


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Feb 20, 2008
Who said anything about Trudeau? That’s a deflection right up there with “but but Hillary bengazi!!! Hannity would be proud of ya.

Donny is now cancelling the daily press briefings and calling them a waste of time because he completely humiliated himself. Think about that-the president just said that he has been completely wasting hours a day in order to update and inform the people in a time of crisis. Or to quote the great Eric cartman, “screw you guys, I’m going home”. Top notch leadership, that’s for sure....
Press conference today, sorry for your discomfort.


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Nov 26, 2007
Wow, insults too, right outta Donny’s playbook. Not miserable at all, just completely dumbfounded that anyone can still defend and support the mess that is your president...

Damn, you almost had me convinced you knew everything, right up to the point of not knowing the difference between an insult and an observation.

Go ahead and continue to be dumb-founded, and we’ll continue to support the best choice we had last election. Unless there’s some type of miracle between now & November, we’ll be voting for President Trump again.

We endured 8 years of the last president, whom spoke so eloquently & polished, but really didn’t do anything other than start the great divide. l have a lot of friends & some family who have different political beliefs than myself, so we agree to disagree & leave politics out of our relationships. Politics has become too much like a team sport, but at the end of the day doesn’t change my life. Unfortunately, there seems to be a playoff game everyday.

Don’t take yourself too seriously, because you have no idea how little we care. One last thing...any chance you could change your username to Buford T Justice, you Sombitch?! ✌??


Embrace the BRAAAAAAP!
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Nov 27, 2007
Where the Buffalo roam
Donny is now cancelling the daily press briefings and calling them a waste of time because he completely humiliated himself. Think about that-the president just said that he has been completely wasting hours a day in order to update and inform the people in a time of crisis. Or to quote the great Eric cartman, “screw you guys, I’m going home”. Top notch leadership, that’s for sure....

More like Lamestream Media pushin an agenda...Didn't see this on CNN



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Nov 30, 2011
Saskatchewan Canada
Who said anything about Trudeau? That’s a deflection right up there with “but but Hillary bengazi!!! Hannity would be proud of ya.

Donny is now cancelling the daily press briefings and calling them a waste of time because he completely humiliated himself. Think about that-the president just said that he has been completely wasting hours a day in order to update and inform the people in a time of crisis. Or to quote the great Eric cartman, “screw you guys, I’m going home”. Top notch leadership, that’s for sure....

^^ Here's some fake news!!
I guess you were wrong again!!!

turboless terry

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Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
Answering questions like "how many people do you think is acceptable to die" isn't a waste of time? That is from your buds in the lamestream media. Not up for debate. I watched that and a bunch of others just as stupid or more so. Then you have Schiff saying trump killed 50000 people. It is a joke to even deal with that.
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Most handsome
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Feb 16, 2008
yakima, wa.
Today, New York magazine reporter Olivia Nuzzi asked President Trump at the end of the White House Coronavirus Task Force briefing,
Here is the quote from Townhall, note that it is not an actual quote because words have been changed... why change words and leave quotations?
" "If more Americans died in the last six weeks than the entirety of the Vietnam War, do you deserve to be re-elected?" Nuzzi asked."

Here is the video.

Sent it
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