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How about our great President!!!

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Feb 16, 2008
yakima, wa.
Celebrities are not any better than us regular folks.....
When they think they are better than 'us' and try to push their agenda on 'us'....
I lose all respect for them....

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Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
What an embarrassment to the country!!

Didnt Don henley have a lyric for just this situation

"We got the bubble-headed-bleach-blonde who Comes on at five She can tell you 'bout the plane crash with a gleam In her eye It's interesting when people die Give us dirty laundry?"

More like a train wreck!!! in this instance but you get the point. I do agree it is an embarrasment to this country when someone screams out "You lie" as the president was giving his address
Jan 15, 2010
I remember a man named james t kirk who kept saying how dumb we were for not embracing china and taking advantage of cheap stuff. Basically a second rate country. Doubt his mind has changed. You can't fix stupid.
Hey genius, the reason your economy did as well as it did for as long as it did was the availability of cheap stuff from China... do you actually think there’d have been an apple store if an iPad cost $67,000? Are you gonna assemble electronics for $2/hr? Are you gonna pay 20x more for a flat screen? Selling Cheap Chinese goods create decent paying distribution, marketing, retail and repair jobs in the US. No cheap goods, none of those jobs.

I sure hope you non insured folks down there that feel it’s your right to not have heath coverage don’t take advantage of the program that covers you if you get corona, cause that’d mean everyone else is paying for ya... I also hope that none of you need any of the government bail out funds to get you thru this cause that’d be evil socialism.

Donny disinfectant is making a mockery of you guys. The headline on BBC world news on Friday, which is read by an order of magnitude more people outside of your little bubble of a country, said “trump suggests injecting disinfectant “. The entire world is LAUGHING at you...

turboless terry

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Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
Genius thinking like that has been wrecking our country for years. Really lame excuse for hiving our country away. Thank god trump is standing up to china and the rest of the world. Jobs and manufacturing have magically come back even though you and Obama said they couldn't.
Just so happens i have insurance and i don't need a bailout but thanks for your concern. As far as other people laughing at us, that is human nature. They are trying to bring us down to there level because we are kicking every country's azz at everything. So whatever to make you feel better.
Jan 15, 2010
Genius thinking like that has been wrecking our country for years. Really lame excuse for hiving our country away. Thank god trump is standing up to china and the rest of the world. Jobs and manufacturing have magically come back even though you and Obama said they couldn't.
Just so happens i have insurance and i don't need a bailout but thanks for your concern. As far as other people laughing at us, that is human nature. They are trying to bring us down to there level because we are kicking every country's azz at everything. So whatever to make you feel better.
Yea, you sure are kicking everyone’s azz at the number of Coronavirus cases and deaths. Good thing you are paying your insurance so that all those people out there without it can ride your coattails and get treated for free.

Jobs and manufacturing haven’t magically come back. 2 weeks before the election Donny disinfectant was saying the unemployment rate was 40%. Several weeks after he was saying lowest ever. Look at the actual numbers without Fox News spin, compare job growth with population growth over Donny’s term vs the 8 years prior, the curve isn’t all that different, just google job growth Obama vs trump.

Donny really doesn’t know what to do about the virus. He can’t yell at it, call it names, cheat it, sue it, slander it or rape it. None of the tools in his tool chest will do a thing.

You should care about your reputation in the world, the whole ‘murican exceptionalism thing doesn’t do much beyond your borders. It’s not 1980 anymore. If king Lysol gets re-elected what little respect there may still be for the states will be irreparably damaged.
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Yea, you sure are kicking everyone’s azz at the number of Coronavirus cases and deaths. Good thing you are paying your insurance so that all those people out there without it can ride your coattails and get treated for free.

Jobs and manufacturing haven’t magically come back. 2 weeks before the election Donny disinfectant was saying the unemployment rate was 40%. Several weeks after he was saying lowest ever. Look at the actual numbers without Fox News spin, compare job growth with population growth over Donny’s term vs the 8 years prior, the curve isn’t all that different, just google job growth Obama vs trump.

Donny really doesn’t know what to do about the virus. He can’t yell at it, call it names, cheat it, sue it, slander it or rape it. None of the tools in his tool chest will do a thing.

You should care about your reputation in the world, the whole ‘murican exceptionalism thing doesn’t do much beyond your borders. It’s not 1980 anymore. If king Lysol gets re-elected what little respect there may still be for the states will be irreparably damaged.

Do you have any idea how silly you sound?

turboless terry

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Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
My bet is you need to look at population vs the numbers not death numbers and how many have it. I bet in that relation we are low compared to everyone else. The media is trying to skew this every which way they can to make trump look bad. This thing is going to be nothing compared to what they thought but you be as scared as you want to be and hide under a rock.
Your post shows how blinded you are by your hatred for trump. Can't see the trees in the forest.


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Feb 20, 2008
I think previous administrations were way to focused on what everyone else thought of the US, of the things I am concerned with our world popularity ranking is not on the list.

Right now I am concerned with all the lives of people that are being changed for the worse because of this mess.

But to hell with them because Trump right.
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