Well-known member
THis is the USA. You have a right.....no, you have an obligation, a duty, to protect yourself and your family. When I read about anti gun rights wanting to take away this right I want to just PUKE! If your life in threatened, and you have a weapon, it is your duty to use it.
I just got my wife a handgun. She has never shot a gun at all. So I showed her how to hold and shoot it. I says..."If any part of them crosses the threashold, let em have it, you have a right, a duty, an obligation, to protect my children.
Too much of this debate going on. Maybe we need to ceceed from the union and make our own rules, the reat of the US is going down a dark path, starting with California.
Am I making any sense?
HMMM? And the night you come home at 2:30 am early from work and she hears you sneaking down the hall so you dont wake up the kids........and plugs you nine times in the dark? You'll beproud of her for defending herself. Get a big dog and love it to death it will naturally protect your family, in the dark at night, wont bite you when your sneaking in at 2:30. 7 yrs ago I had a guy in my kitchen at 1:00am, 2 babies and a wife sleeping. I knuckle sandwiched the fu@$%cker!! Turned out to be my brothers friend. Lesson here? What if I shot him? It was hard for me to apologize but I did. He lived, you cant apologize for killing some one in the wrong place at the wrong time innocently. All he was doing was staying over night after my bro invited him so he didnt have to drive home 2hrs after working all day and half the nite. Would have been just another gun statistic. Theres several threads on here about gun registration, confiscation and legislation. All political BS its all boiled down from the many unnecessary statistics that the A-holes in shirts and ties (who have never touched a gun) have collaberated together. Sometimes a gun is needed but it is not very often. Not Saying your choice was wrong NATE but sounds like some of these guys have the wrong idea about guns/weapons and self defense. I prefer to acknowledge guns as firearms not weapons. The moment we decide it is a weapon we've sealed the fate of our right to guns. Just my .02