So what will you be snowchecking? And what were your like's and dislikes?
I shared this on FB with some of my buddies:
"My perspective is this. Ski Doo XM was an animal, it went straight into beast mode at the flick of the throttle. I felt like it wanted to yank my arms off. Two pulls with throttle punch up top and my forearms screamed. It layed down like a French whore, but there was an uneasiness about it. I was sure it was trying to give me the clap so I couldn't trust it. Response was quick as I cut some trees close and it went right where I wanted it to go. To dip downhill pow turns, you had to mount up way in the foot-wells or it didn't wanna bounce. I didn't really like being that forward downhill and I ride a forward sled now. The rider position shift seemed awkward, felt like I was walking a longboard (surfboard) to switch from uphill to downhill. I got off thinking "that was squirrelly." Funny someone else that rode it said the same thing.
Pro RMK was like a love that was always meant to be. I instantly connected. Within first two minutes, I felt like we'd been riding my whole life. Nice steady smooth throttle response, it just creped along a side-hill like it was on rails. Downhill turn bounce was on point. In the end it just felt comfortable and predictable. I rode a little more chopped up snow on the Pro so maybe the comparison wasn't as fair. I grilled two Pro-RMK guys out there, both said the same thing, they went from XP to Pro, and haven't looked back.
At this point I'm 95% convinced I'll go 2013 Pro-RMK, but previously that was 100% convinced. With the comfort I felt on the Pro, combined with snowcheck warranty, and antipating it would be ~$2k less than the Doo, the smart money seems to be on the Pro. The Doo did plant some thoughts in my brain, like if I tamed it, would I like it better? Will I miss that extra power? Plus, yesterday was all time pow, everything feels good in pow like that, thus who knows what the XM feels like on not so perfect conditions."