Something to consider with adding full running boards or inserts, have done them both numerous times. Every single time I find the joint where either the insert or the board meets the vertical portion of the tunnel, snow/ice has a place to grab hold because now you’ve lost your smooth surface. So then it builds even more from the inside. I spend all the money and time and still have buildup.
If you look at the factory tunnel transition from vertical part of tunnel to the beautiful smooth radius of the foot board, it’s completely smooth, nothing for snow/ice to grab hold of so it kicks off easy and doesn’t have an edge to grab.
Bigger holes where feet are let more snow pass through but trade off is snow/ice buildup inside of your foot. Damned if you do damned if you don’t, just one way costs money and time.
I did spray a nonstick fluid a few times one season in the past. That actually worked great for about 2/3 of the ride. Have to apply dry before every ride though so while it worked it was a pia because sled wasn’t always dry and it still cost money to buy the spray.
Something to consider, I decided this sled I wouldn’t fall for boards a 5th time haha.