A few posts back you admitted avy danger was less west of the lodges "You're right about the avy danger being less" now you say "Nobody is sending people to ride avalanche terrain" I would prefer you pick one or the other and not both, Either you are advising them to go into an area that is more dangerous or you are not.
But this Colorado forum has been non functional for quite some time so why not start a flame war over riding suggestions?
Yes corp you are the only one that knows anything about riding there and everyone should listen only to you. There, you feel better now?[/QUOTE
Stingray! Really? I'm not going to argue with you further. And to quote myself, as quoted in your quote ""You're right about the avy danger being less" now you say "Nobody is sending people to ride avalanche terrain"
Everything in that quote is correct.
I will say it again: Avalanche danger is less to the west of the lodge, more to the east of the lodge. That is to say, IT EXISTS TO THE WEST, AND IT EXISTS TO THE EAST, ON DIFFERENT LEVELS. It can easily be avoided wherever you may choose to ride. I'm done with this nonsense.