Well-known member
The gussets did not effect performance., and because I want MAXIMUM dependability.
If there wasn't a rod ratio problem Polaris would have NEVER re-tooled a complete new cylinder & crankcase for 2013. NEVER !
You can mark my work the 2013 motors will last WAY longer then the 08,09,10,11,12 motors with the exact same piston.
Its plain and simple..... its not a piston problem. ( Pistons are a patch )
To much clearance with a short rod. ( Bad combination. )
Dan does what Dan does.
RKT does what he does.
The end.
Just to Clarify..
Polaris did not offset the cylinder.. it is in the SAME location as before with respect to the rod and bore.. ALL they did is thicken the intake lower skirt... To accomodate this they, needed to remachine the case as well... But no change has been made in any other area..
Cylinder and case are unchanged except to allow for the thicker skirt fitting..
I have both engines on the bench and have the proper measuring equipment to determine this...
Not trying to be rude.. just sayin' and correcting misinformation.
Its plain and simple..... its not a piston problem. ( Pistons are a patch )
Dan, I am confused,, below in your post, you tell about how th episton is too loose and should be changed, yet, above, you tell us that there is no problem with the piston??? This is contradicting.. can you please clear it up??
Defending Polaris alittle.
Just Maybe some of the Polaris CFI4 & CFI 2 Motor problems are misunderstood. ??
The factory spec for all Polaris all CFI 800 motors - .004 to .0055 Cylinder to piston clearance to a brand new piston.
I have 2 brand new 2013 cylinders on the bench and both measure .0063 piston to cylinder clearance
After the break in period is done the piston wil measure at least -.001 to .0015 smaller.
That puts your brand spanking new sled @ .0073 to .0078 cylinder to piston clearance.
Polaris service Limit MAXIMUM cylinder to wall clearance is .009 - Its nothing to see .012 to .015 piston cylinder clearance in motors that have been sent in for service.
Now what that means is this - Between 500 to 1000 miles...... close to 100%...... and I mean damn close to 100% of all Polaris small block motors
will be up to or past .009 cylinder to piston clearance in the first year of ownership.
And Mountain motors that get used alot will have .010 to .015 thousand clearance by the end of the second year. ( In other words completely woren out ) As close to junk as you can get at this point.
The sad facts are this - POlaris almost HAS to have them set up this way or some MORON will cold seize them.
All this being said - What am I saying ???
EVERY SMALL BLOCK 800 Needs new pistons after the first year of riding if you rode over 500 miles.
And if you deside NOT to replate and properly have a shop size your cylinder correctly then your samll block needs NEW pistons EVERY SEASON!! PEROID.
A completely stock properly rebuild Polaris Small block will out perform and fully modded STAGE 2,4,6,8 10 what ever you want to call it that is over the service limit...........The main reason people think they need fuel controls is because the motors piston to cylinder clearace is over the limitand is getting worse because the problem compounds itself.
The more clearance it has the harder they slap and the more they destroy themsleves.
If you feel the power start to go away on a Polaris 800 Small Block, or you can't pull your clutch weights lighter weights or MOD Parts are not the correct path to take.
Fix the cylinder to piston clearance first...... then if you feel you still want to buy aftermarket parts they will actually work better.
Dan, this is what we do and then we add a little something extra with a better overal design... So, it does seem that the piston is the problem...
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