I went up today. Yesterdays storm dumped pretty decent but we still need one more good storm. Death Bowl on Lamoille Lake slid in a big way. The slide came across the Lake within about 150' of the base of the chute. Word of warning to lake racers!!!! Don't go screaming across the lake in low visibility, you'll hit a 6' vertical wall 2/3 the way across.
Ya know Sallaberry told me about that hill and being on the edge of the lake not the middle.... I can only imagine the sound of that... adds to the aura (sp?) of Elko..... thought I was going to puke the first time I rode there and still is a wierd hype I can't kick about that place.... looking forward to seeing you all again soon.... riding here has been great.... sled is great and tell Westwood I said hey if you get a chance..... take care