don...HD and blu-ray are the same thing. blu-ray is an HD DVD format. our film is shot entirely in HD and edited in HD but for mass duplication and cost effectiveness (also factoring in that most people still have/use SD DVDs and not blu-ray) we duplicate in an excellent SD DVD down-convert.
since our movie is in HD natively, we can do a blu-ray burn in small numbers if we want/need to. the difference really is amazing...however, the SD down-convert i am doing is REALLY clean and i'm pretty sure most of the snowmobile video producers don't know the magic formula (except for the two or three i've given it to.) it took a lot of crunching and a few people WAY smarter than me to figure it out.
I have Evolution in HD and Blu-Ray and there is a different .... Not much but some.
I am viewing with a PS3 and a Panasonic G10