I agree, it is apparent the once owner of this sled had no clue as to what he was or is doing, and after talking with others they only confirm my suspsicions. Its sad that it was advertised as such a great sled, which it clearly isnt. Will it be when we are done, yes, but as of now its a paperweight until then.
"Great sled" is a relavent term from one person to another, kind of like "rich"
the guy who steps off the john deere liquifire onto the xlt 580 might think "holy crap!!!" the guy with the xlt might hop on the M8 HCR and think it cant get any better, the guy with the M8 HCR might throw a leg over an impulse race kitted apex with full motor mods and a CR tunnel and wet himself! The yammi tech with the mechanical abilities might take one up close look and say, "that thing is a mess!!!" (the guy on the skidoo hit a pinecone and his sled bent in two so he doesnt count!)
point is no one wants to be in this spot, ON EITHER SIDE! Buying a used sled of any caliber stock or full tilt build you are taking a risk PERIOD! BUYER BEWARE! Or at LEAST look at the sled yourself and ride it! If you truely want it bad enough you will make it work! If you dont want to put yourself in these kind of spots then buy a brand new sled in the box, buy all new aftermarket parts or build your own stuff from scratch, install them yourself and be happy! (we all know thats never gunna happen)
I had the boost line split on my PL box on my impulse apex and it was running like crap! guess what Sh!t happens, I didnt bash anyone on here, I didnt make a post saying "my impluse apex runs like crap!" I dug around and fixed it in about 2 minutes, life resumed! I bet most people wouldnt know what a boost line is or where it is on a complex machine like a turboed 4 stroke. I also had a terrible weekend at a drag race in bend oregon not to long ago, saturday my apex ran like crap all day! I tried everything!! I couldnt buy a win, fought it all day came back sunday and it was on rails! I ended up with a bad sealed barrel of 110 sunoco! changed fuels and it ran perfect. after playing back my runs I recorded there was more than one guy who came up to me and said "you should put on a seminar on that prologger" after showing him how to use it! He said all his customers put stuff like that on their sleds and dont have a clue on what it does (he just wasnt familiar with the prologger itself) I learn by doing! no one told me how to do it or showed me, I do care so I get involved and learn how things work!
Ive always enjoyed snowmobiling, a big part is all the good people involved in our sport! I hate hearing stories like these or seeing post's like this one but IMO there is alot that can be learned on both sides.
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