Four months later...
After a FOIA request from Americans for Limited Government to see where DHS got their "right wing extremist" assessment, this was the result. They found that the assessment was made up of information from whack-job websites!!!!
I noticed in the list Fox showed was the SPLC URL, which is for Southern Poverty Law Center which is a far left site that has you "self report" hate crimes. They're the website Senator Kennedy used as "justification" for his bogus, made-up hate crimes bill.
I got this email from ALG today (partial):
"Today, Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson is calling for Department of Homeland Security (DHS) chief Janet Napolitano's scalp, demanding she resign her post over the Department's use of what Wilson called a "crackpot conspiracy website" in drafting and then issuing a controversial "right-wing extremism" threat assessment to law enforcement in April.
Included 11 times in DHS' response to ALG's freedom of information request as a source for the report was the website,, a "news service" that recently reported that a scientist had destroyed a "radio to God."
"Janet Napolitano must resign immediately from her post at Homeland Security over this outrage," said Wilson, adding that, "The Department of Homeland Security used a kook website to indict the American people in drafting the 'rightwing extremism' memo. Its use in intelligence gathering was deplorable and highly dubious, not mention insulting to the tens of millions of Americans who were targeted by the memo."
"Under Napolitano's watch, government officials who were supposed to be gathering real intelligence on domestic terror threats were instead surfing the web and reading whacky websites, all to create the public perception of 'rightwing extremism,'" Wilson said.
Wilson explained, "Homeland Security authorized the release of the now-discredited 'threat' assessment using as a source.
It did so without any intelligence sources, crime data, or actual evidence of planned attacks or any groups known to be planning attacks, or any groups with histories of perpetrating attacks that are currently conducting any types of operational recruitment, meeting, or planning attacks."
Wilson said the assessment was actually a "political document," designed to "fuel the public's perception of 'rightwing extremism,' nothing more. And for taking part in a deliberate intimidation campaign against the American people under the guise of protecting them, the only honorable thing for Napolitano to do is to step down," Wilson declared..."
[Fluff isn't holding her breath!]