Cops to serious?? story... 08-21-2008 04:18 PM your history lesson is a little off from the truth
Cops to serious?? story... 08-21-2008 04:14 PM too bad you got your history wrong! I guess in your mind, if you say it, it must be true..... look up the facts, and you'll find actual events a little different than you claim
Apparently I touched a few nerves with my last post, as these were comments with my negative red rep. I am assuming that these comments came from LDS members. I am in no way putting the LDS faith down, I am a firm believer in our Constitutional right to Freedom Of Religion. On the other hand, I will debate you until the end of time of what I posted is true and correct. So if you two nameless subjects would like to debate this further, please send me a PM.
Some people take this to serious. If I have a problem with your post I will talk to you up front not anonymous. That’s chicken $hit. Here have a Beer
I know i will have one!