Yep, working on it.
Something called work keeps interferring...but at least my work isn't taking me to Dubai or Georgia this week, so all's good. 
CBRob is going to be at the Kebler trailhead at 9. I'm thinking we will be meeting in Gunnison (lot across the road from Gunnison Motorsports) at 7:30, leave out around 7:45, some going to Ohio Creek, some going to Kebler. I've got several guys lined up to lead groups, need to verify which side leaders are more comfortable with (let me know guys) and go from there. I'll be with PowderKing in a blue 4 door Ford pulling a gray 2 place enclosed. And if you are looking for me on the mountain, I ride an all black Mountain Max (no stickers other than registrations) with triple pipes.
CBRob is going to be at the Kebler trailhead at 9. I'm thinking we will be meeting in Gunnison (lot across the road from Gunnison Motorsports) at 7:30, leave out around 7:45, some going to Ohio Creek, some going to Kebler. I've got several guys lined up to lead groups, need to verify which side leaders are more comfortable with (let me know guys) and go from there. I'll be with PowderKing in a blue 4 door Ford pulling a gray 2 place enclosed. And if you are looking for me on the mountain, I ride an all black Mountain Max (no stickers other than registrations) with triple pipes.