You all wore me out!!!!
I just finished work for the day and I can not believe how tired I am.
The riding was out of this world.
Joe Mama and Crew thanks for the keg on Saturday night and for highjacking it for the trailhead on Sunday. Not to mention the Jager and Grand Marnier. It was great way to end an epic ride.
CBRob, you have a friend in me! We made a great team. Sorry we missed you at Mario's. It was not a pretty sight watching Nick turn into Captain Chardonnay. It is tough to get kicked out of a Pizza Joint (almost). Joe Mama found some gloves that look like yours. Are you missing a pair? I have them.
Ex5, you two were a big part of a great weekend for me. Eric, sorry I spent soo much time watching Deb's "body english"

Beergut, I am going to find you!..............................and hopely ride with you some more. Call me for a road trip.
Mule, it was nice to put a face to your screen name. You don't look anything like your avitar.
MtnDoo, you never fail to impress. That is one nice Xp you built! Do you want me to break it in for you?
GunniApexrider, between the glock pistol and running over MtnDoo, there is noway I am going to F@#K with you!
I am just settling into a beer and a good movie. Cory, thanks for the video.