A wise man once said, if you wish to raise your standing, sometimes the first step is to stop digging...
There's more detail in one of the recall threads, but that sounds like the gist of it. I saw some pictures of broken clutches where it split at the hub too though. Either way, I hope it's not an ongoing issue, and Polaris keeps making the P-85 for a long time. Even if they manage to fix their China child P-22, it still doesn't outperform the P-85 - plus I see there's a billet spider with upgraded buttons and rollers available for the P-85. I'll probably try that on my sled next time I have a reason to take the clutch apart.
Ah, I bet Chilly's back sooner or later. I mean, how long do you think he can sit back and leave it to the poor, non-members to throw barbs around?