I wasn’t going to get sucked into this conversation, but I am a Christian and thankful that Christ died for my sins. We need to acknowledge Christ’s position. He is God the Son. He was not just a prophet like other religions founders. I’ve mentioned this before, but He is the only religious figure to rise from the dead. No others can claim that. They have what’s left of their dead bodies in tombs. He also raised others from the dead and healed many from diseases. Mohamed, Buddha or the others cannot claim that. The version of the Bible that King James had interpreted is from transcripts that go thousands of years back. In fact we have more transcripts from the Bible than any other historical writings by far. Not even close to other historical writings that most scholars and historians believe to be accurate. Today we have other versions of the King James Bible written in more modern English, but we also have versions that are way out there. Including some new ones that I’ve heard are gender neutral. Really, the transcripts we have are not gender neutral. If they believe others that have a small amount of transcripts then why not the Biblical ones. Hmmm. The original writings of the Bible, Old and New Testaments are infallible. The accurate ones like the King James, have never been proven wrong. Some just don’t believe the Bible, but that doesn’t mean any of it is false, that just means they don’t believe it. And we can’t force anyone too. In the end God will do what he wants to all of us. He made us and has a right to do whatever He wills to us. We are not God. When we die and face an Almighty God do we really think that we can tell Him we didn’t like they way He did things, or are we going to tell him we deserve heaven when we didn’t accept His way to get there. I don’t think so. We cannot come to God other than through a saving knowledge and acceptance of Jesus. One said on here earlier that Jesus would have been dark skinned or black. And why do white artists paint Him as white? Good question and they are wrong. How would they know what He looked like anyway. He would have the same skin tone that other Israelites have. He was a Jew. I agree some so called Christians have blown it big time, but like others have said we are all sinners. Christians are people and fail. We’re not perfect in any way shape or form. Just forgiven.