My parents and teachers taught me critical thinking and my disbelief in the church and it's fantasty children's stories are a testament to my upbringing. I've read plenty of theology to try to see if any certain prophet or deity is a clear answer. It turns out almost all religions are nearly the same with slight adjustments based on their location of origin. Reading about the creation of Mormonism in the United States is definitely a classic tale of man's quest for power and control. Christianity has had a nice long run but it seems to be losing its grip. Islam as well. The atheists will take the top spot soon.
List of religious populations - Wikipedia
Just like in politics, the left and right wing nuts can fight over everything and the people with no affiliations will make the smart logical choices. That is the critical thinking community. We know faith is just another word for ignorance.
So do you return your statutory holiday pay you receive for Christian holidays???
Or Do you keep working when the stat day shows up. Or should we get rid of all stat holidays with this cancel culture????
It seems some have missed the actual meaning of a Stat holiday.