Well in defense of this flatlander from a fellow flatlander atleast he didn't park out in the middle of nowhere in the parking lot like I have seen some Coloradans do! Its all just a bunch of poor me bullsh@t, and your just looking to rag on someone. I guess if you didn't want to take the risk of getting blocked in you could have done a bit better parking yourself!! Maybe you could try to pull in line with everyone else and not halfway around the other vehicle. Or like you stated if there was actually 15 feet behind him why didn't you just pull around the back of him??? That would kind of seem to be the obvious thing to do! I can see where the guy thought that your pickup was there for the duration as it has a rick of snow piled behind it. Kinda leave I guy to think that, would it not??? If this fellow rider had parked out in the middle of nowhere and been out of the normal line up you woulld have voiced your opinion on that one to I am guessing. Just my .02!
His parking job was way better than either of yours. You head first parked two vehicles at odd angles that both needed to be backed out with a third point turn???
It's funny how you defend the guy's parking when you weren't even there. It doesn't matter how long somebody is parked somewhere, you are an azzhole if you block them in. This bonehead passes up a half empty lot to block my truck.The guy also left 15 feet behind him to the berm. (Talk about wasting valuable real estate) As far as my parking, I took up the least amount of space possible. The normal parking for this lot is to park around the perimeter of the lot and then have parallel rows down the middle. Behind me is normally the driving through lane, so I should have had to do was back up.