I've read through this topic again and I still don't think anyone has answered where the relays are. It sounds to me like there are three for the non electric start sleds. Two in plane view behind the pipe tied to the over structure. Supposedly another in the velcro bag above the clutches but I haven't found it yet.
Then...there seems to be two for the electric start sleds? yes/no?
The only relay that has been identified is the shed relay which is in the velcro bag. I'd like to know which one is tied to the oil pump. I think that one started to fail for me.
I have the non es model. I have the two on the overstructure in the picture which I believe are for the exhaust valves and the oil pump and the one in the Velcro bag which from what I've read is the load shed relay. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. I have a total of 3 relays