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Bighorn Advice Needed! 1st timers from MN!

Nope!!!!!! Thats the best part!!!!!!!!!!! I believe they will help you with your gear though!!!!!!

Yes we will help you with your gear. You can drive to the Ranger Station, which is only a mile away from the lodge. We will pick you up there with a cargo sled and haul all your stuff in.
I think bearlodge is about the worst place to stay unless you plan on getting drunk and running your mouth. Every one acts like they are the best riders and people on the hill in that joint. I would have to recomend Arrowhead.:face-icon-small-fro

I agree with this statement 100%... I can think of the Ski-doo dealership owner in Gillette as the biggest mouth in the place! He is the main reason why I ride cat now.. Best choice I have ever made also ! :D

Stay at Arrowhead if you don't want to deal with all that crap !
If you are 21, bear lodge bar gets pretty wild at night, you only have to ride about 10 miles to get to deep stuff, and you dont have to trailer out every day. This year we took two pickups (7 people) and could have still had a few more people in the cabin easily, it was a duplex cabin i believe its called. One thing that really makes me mad is their website says free wifi- and the whole time we were there (5 nights), the internet worked like Sh*% one night, and didnt work the rest of the time. Also, It cost $1 a minute (total bs, no calling cards either) to stand behind the bar and use the bar phone, which can be pretty hard to do at 9 or 10 o clock at night when it gets loud in there. They really need to get a real phone that you can use a calling card on, preferably not behind the bar. All in all, its a great place to stay, but the internet and phone thing really pis$ed me off.

It's possible that your cabin was too far from the WiFi receiver. Last March 2007, I was there and my laptop's WiFi connection was great all week in my room, in the bar and dining room, too.
It's possible that your cabin was too far from the WiFi receiver. Last March 2007, I was there and my laptop's WiFi connection was great all week in my room, in the bar and dining room, too.

We took a labtop down to the bar/game room, and no luck down there either. It wasnt the computer either because we had two of them and neither worked
What can I expect for conditions in Mid-March?

I know it depends on a recent storm or not, but generally speaking, is it settled up enough for short tracks with 1.7'' paddles (F7's)? Or am I crazy for even thinking of bringing it!

I hear of lots of guys twisting metal (a-arms,etc) in the horns. Are these hazards as much a threat in mid march after some settling? I paln on bringing spare parts, but do I have to ride paranoid?

If the snow is set up you should have good riding. If not, be prepared to get stuck :face-icon-small-win As far as the lodges are concerned, I have stayed at The Passage and at Bear Lodge and have had good experiences at both. And so far, I've never broken anything in the Big Horns. But I am fortunate to ride with a group of guys who have been riding in the horns for over a decade and they know the terrain quite well.
Give it a shot and have a good trip.
coming to see u

:beer; going to ranger creek on pres day weekend w/snowmobile club give update after that. use to ride from bear every year but group got to big and I joined military and some got to big for thier snow pants went up once each of the last two years on day rides snow was good. rangercreek r u right down from the ski area?
Yes, we are, just south of the ski hill, on P trail. And we've got great snow right now. We keep hearing that it's pretty snow blown more up north at Burgess Junction, but we've got deep and lots of powder and sledders have the time of their lives getting unstuck!!!

Snowshoe Lodge and South

I agree with Corine... The snow is best as you head further south along trail P. Ride about 10 miles south of Snowshoe pass and you will be in some deep untouched powder. Both Snowshoe and Ranger Creek are a lot more quiet then Bear Lodge, both have great food, gas and are near some great snow conditions.
Doc here. I just got back from a ride south of snow shoe. Plenty of untracked. Got stuck a couple of times. I found a few places with no base ergo, got stuck. We have only had about 3" in the past 24 hours. Waiting for more.

we r coming up for club ride next weekend where can we park to ride in from how far do we have to haul gear and whats on the menu and is the bar open:beer; thanks see ya on pres weekend HAZZER
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