I get the same response from most everyone every time the topic comes up. I'm not going to mention the names of the kits we've tried but they are probably the most popular dealer developed clutch kits in the west. The folks selling the kits claim there is no comparison to stock, "Our kits will outperform a stock sled in all snow conditions" so we try it and after 20 or 30 ski to ski runs the result is always the same, with boggy slow to respond stock clutching outpulling the others. Outperforming the kits has actually become a topic of humor/discussion most every ride. Most the kits are advertised as "More responsive" and they really are, they have such a quick responsive backshift to 8,250 RPM's you feel your running stronger until the slow to respond 8,100 RPM stocker drives on by and throws snow in your face. I've seen several ported, piped, power commander, high compression pros with clutching that is suppose to be the sh1t not able to outpull a well tuned stocker. There is a local kid in the area I ride that has Polaris book 10,000' clutching who has done nothing to his sled but replaced his stock hood with a Diamond S Mesh hood, we haven't seen a clutched or modded Pro in three seasons that can run with this kid (he's 195 with his gear on) between his father, myself and a few other Pro riders we've tried multiple set-ups in an effort to run with him, the closest I can come is when I go back to my boggy, unresponsive book clutching.