My dealer told me that my track was wearing prematurely and tried to get warranty but as expected, Polaris denied the claim.
The problem is that Polaris has made some poor decisions when making the 2.6" and 3" tracks. They unclipped every second window and that combined with losing the outside guide nubs has allowed too much misalignment of these tracks. They also put the lugs under the unclipped windows so the load is transferred directly from the rubber to the hyfax and the rubber wears down until the track looses enough strength to break. (buddy broke his with more wear than mine). My 2015 does not have nearly as much wear as my 2016 and they both have around 2000 kms.
You can run your track banjo tight and this may help but I am now taking matters into my own hands. I will add 56 clips to the 163 track as the windows with clips look perfect. This will add 2 lbs.
Here is a picture of a track in worse shape than mine and a picture of the clips I will install