Here in Wisconsin we allow ATV's on the certain trails and the temp must be 28 degrees or colder. We as a club are funded for grooming based on what type of trails we have. My club personally grooms our trails for Snowmobile and ATV and are funded by the state at a higher rate then a snowmobile only trail. As for tearing up the trail its about equal on who tears a trail up when they ride. A guy on a wheeler can fishtale and rut it up, and so does the guy who is a throttle jock on a sled. As to who is a better driver is any bodys guess cause I've seen bad sled drivers along with ATV drivers. I've been almost hit by both. I also ride both on our trails, its just what I decide to ride for the day do I want a fairly fast trail ride or a slower ATV ride. But either way its a blast. Sorry guys I just had to give my $.02