Better than the jackasses who make offers, chisel you down, ask every question in the world about the stupid thing like it's some kind of space station and then "need to go see the bank" and you never hear from them again. How about actually....y'know....having money if you're haggling someone? Doesn't really matter how low they will go if you're not buying it??
I work on a car lot and we deal with that crap all day long. Just today had a guy offer me $13K tax in for a used car we are asking $16,600 + taxes for. Hadn't even sat in the thing yet, let alone driven it and he wants a $5,500 discount. Told him straight up that wasn't going to happen and he got mad and left. Thanks fer comin out.....I guess.
Then you wonder why dealers ask you that stupid "well, if I could sell it for that, would you buy it RIGHT NOW?" question....because if the answer is "no" or some pansy "I have to check with my wife" nonsense, or the ever-popular "I have to see if the bank will approve me because I went banko last month," then it doesn't matter what the F you can buy it for....does it?