"when you can point to a country that prospered as a result of wealth redistribution" If you would read history you would know that includes the British United Kingdom, United States, Canada, France, and several other countries from 1920 to 1980. Those countries achieved the largest growth in the middle class, largest shrinkage in the number of Robber-Barons and Monarchs, the largest shrinkage in the number of poor working / starving people, the largest growth in science and technology, AND the largest economic growth in the history of mankind. All of that was achieved at the same time! Simply from installing progressive income taxes, on top of Freedom and Capitalism. Those are 500-year-old facts, thoroughly researched, documented and discussed in great detail in Piketty's book and many other books. That is the root-cause reason we won both WW2 and the Cold War, against fascist, commie dictators. But how could you possibly know that? You don't read books. Especially not books written by Western Phd Economists (Piketty is French). And why should you read Piketty, when you have Commie Russian RT bullshit propaganda on the internet?
Piketty doesn't criticize "capitalism". He merely points out WHY we need to let rich people pay taxes that benefit everyone - especially benefitting the same rich people (roads, schools, police, fire departments, medical care, military defense, social order, border security, etc.), and not expect poor people to pay those taxes. It's because rich people have money, and poor people don't. Is that simple enough for you? The second big reason is when you let the top 1/10 of 1% have all the money for about 300 years, and they waste it building mansions on private, protected castles and islands, private armies, and more hoarding - which naturally occurs in capitalism, the 99.9% of the other people who are poor and starving eventually kill the rich people via revolution, war, or anarchy. It's the natural end-state of Capitalism, and has happened many times throughout history. Progressive income and wealth taxes PRESERVE Capitalism, from dummies like you and Putin.
Is that what you prefer - anarchy, revolution, and war? That's what Putin wants for America. Even ultra-rich people don't like their head going into a guillotine (note the French Revolution). With Dopes like you reading RT crap on the internet, and voting accordingly, Putin is making headway. Sorry, I don't mean to be harsh, and wish you the very best. Am being blunt, because you and your backward thinking (Putin's propaganda) are very dangerous.