There's some slight of hand going on with the C-tec and Suzuki, it's like Isuzu building the Duramax but now it's a GM.
Fun thread about history, Kawasaki also shared motorcycle frames with Harley back in the days some where around/before the time Harley got a tariff passed on all imported motorcycles.
That actually back fired, the imports made a much better engine with less CC's to get around the tariff.
Harley used the KZ frames, it was easy to find, the serial number was on the bottom of the frame had a KZ starting.
Kawasaki has been a long time standing muscle head, Suzuki came out with the Ninja killer only to be outdone by the H2 a supercharged 240 horse 240 mph bike.
With a backing like Kawasaki Cat could make some major improvements.