Not sure if this is related to TRA or just this "rancher," but these morons sound like the Obambi White House in their stupidity. (from same article BJ linked above)
"Hilton now claims to have an agreement to lease 1,200 acres in Big Horn County for a tactical military training ground. He says he will be a "consultant" on the project because his investors no longer want him at the forefront.
"We're going to build that. It's not an empty promise," he said.
The lease agreement for the supposed training center was said to be with a prominent Hardin businessman and rancher."
Matt cracks me up:
"A native of Montenegro with at least 17 aliases, Hilton adopted the title "captain" when he formed American Police Force. He has pegged the cost of the proposed training ground and a related dormitory for more than 200 trainees at $17 million.
Yet he's struggled to keep up with far smaller financial obligations, such as $1,000 debt to a Hardin bed and breakfast where he and several associates stayed for several days in September. Hilton said he was "transferring money from one account to another account" to pay off the debt.
Such promises appear to be stacking up too quickly for Hilton's Montana spokeswoman, Becky Shay, who is now seeking Smith's former post at the Two Rivers Authority after failing to receive a paycheck from Hilton after three weeks on the job.
Shay quit her job as a reporter covering Hardin for The Billings Gazette on Sept. 25, when Hilton offered her $60,000 a year and a company car. After the Mercedes SUV she was using courtesy of Hilton was reclaimed this week by Mafi, Hilton's former business partner, Shay was back in her old car - a 1999 Dodge Intrepid with balding tires."
BTW, I've been talking to state legislators who are on this and told me today they've got legislative staff looking into it. I asked if we could make careful legislation that makes TRA accountable in the future. I am going to be additionally getting a hold of a Rep on the Taxation Committee (re: the bond default) and a couple others on the LE/Justice Comm.