Keep with it man, don`t give up you can do it, I quit over 2 years ago Cold Turkey was the hardest thing I have ever done. and after starting smoking when I was 19 and am 40 now, I really got a rude awakening when my buddies got me back into sledding and even though I was a smoker thought I was in pretty descent shape till I had to walk around in knee high snow up 30 degrees slope for a suposed to be simple 80ft up and had to stop 4 to 5 times to make it , we all know how hard and exhausting it is to walk in these condition but when your a smoker and dig sleds out it feel 3 times harder, wow thought I was going to have a Heart Attack a non smoker really can`t understand this, and what did I do after I caught my breath, set down on my sled and Lit one up. that made me realize what I was doing to my self.
I threw away everything that possibly had to do with smoking away cleaned out my truck new air fresheners, washed all my clothes threw away all my ashtrays, started chewing gum but I chewed so much gum it make a few of my teeth that were giving me trouble start coming apart and had to have them fixed and didn`t carry that will power pack that I`d tell my self I won`t open cause (ya right),you know its worse to be out of smokes than the craving from before were.
so I kept my self from going to the store to buy any I would go over and over in my mind don`t go get any its not worth the effert to go.
The first 2 to 3 days are the worst, after the first week you start to smell how bad they actually are and after a few months you`ll smell people smoking in traffic up to a few cars ahead of you and you`ll hate it when you go into a clean grocerie store and there a few employee out side having a smoke break stinking up the front door of a clean grocerie store.
It also helps if you don`t smoke in your house and people around you don`t smoke either.
The best of luck to ya ,we can`t express how much better you will feel.
knowing when you heart rate goes up is healthy not just gasping for oxygen.
Good Luck , Darren