Up until this year has Ford used their own engine? Dodge and Cummins have been a part of each other almost since each others beginnings, look it up.
And Gibbsons go look at a 2010 Dodge crew cab, I am not talking the Mega cab. It is now a full crew just klike Ford or GM no more Quad cab and the body styling is way differant than the o3's to 09's were. The HD does not have the tilted grill and the interior is 100% improved over the 09's and older. I will agree prior to this year Dodge was lacking in the interior department over Ford or Chevy, not anumore, but gave up nothing to either with the rest of the truck. You also said that the styling is the same, what about Ford? My brother in law has a 01 Ford, you put it side by side with an 10 and the bodies look the same except for the head lights and turn signals which are just reversed. You put an 01 Dodge beside a 2010 Dodge and it is 2 completly differant trucks. If you can't see that you must be blinded by them ugly square fender wells on your Chevy There have been 2 other makeovers of the Dodge since 01 and it was more than just the headlights.