My hat is off to you heavy haulers.
You guys move some amazing stuff. I just haul the boring stuff!!!
To the young guy that started this thread - you need to get some good, trouble free, ticket free miles under your belt at the beginning. Sure, it might be boring but everyone has to put their time in before they can haul the interesting stuff. Once you get some experience and you've socked some money away, I would suggest giving the owner/operator thing a try. Continue to save some money and buy another truck and begin to grow your own fleet. If you can do it, the rewards are great. BTW, you don't need a shiny new truck every goddang year like some people I know. Get a good reliable truck and treat her nice. You can't go wrong with yellow under the hood too.
As with most industries, there are always people out there to screw you out of every last nickel and dime you've got. Trust no one but yourself when it comes to money. It's sad to say but in this day and age, you need to get everything in writing too.
When you're first starting off, try to maintain stable employment. I hate seeing driver applications that show they've held jobs for short periods of time with no credible explanations. Show that you're a reliable, safe and smart driver and you'll be off to a good start.
It will be tough in the beginning but you CAN do it.
for all you drivers out there.