thats great mafaesto ..but yer gonna get this thread yanked with talk like that lmao
oxymoron again
Mike, I think your are speaking of a double entendre. An oxymoron is more of a juxtipositon of inconguous terms.
As to our fine countries going to heck, to a certain extent, I agree. However, some of the blame rests on our shoulders. I'm sure that many of you are invovled in some form or fashion with organizations and other entities outside your home. School, church, politics (doesn't count for you Chris (its your job) service organization, etc.
Read a couple of these:
You mean to tell me that not a single kid in that class has parents that sit him/her down and explain that, "Yes, grown ups mess up, but we're getting better." I wonder how many of us (me included) just let shat like that roll off of our backs, because we have a little more pressing issues in our life.
Before you all jump on the Cali train about fruits and nuts (which by the way we grow 82 percent of the world supply of almonds right here in our fair state) this junk is everywhere and we know it. Its not just a liberal thing either. In MT in the recent primary, Obama, then Clinton then McCain by popular vote? Now I have a real good idea of how that went down but I'll let someone else throw out an answer. I can't believe that there are more folks left of the isle than to the right in MT.
Sorry to put you to sleep, but this is kind of a soap box thing to me. First off if you didn't participate in the primary election boo on you. Also, I'm sorry to say, that just going to vote ain't a gonna cut it anymore. Get involved, not so much with your particular party - but with the bureacracy. You have to hold the accountable people accountable for their decisions.
Furthermore, don't hate on everyone who has a different opinion/lifestyle/party affliation than you. If you agree with everything I do, then we'll get nothing from our partnership. Work with others to accomplish your tasks. Look at it this way, if you can forge working relationship with non-like minded people, think of the number of things you might accomplish. Will it be 100%, no. However I'll take a 75/100 anytime if I'm only 25/100 in the minority.
Aug is right in that we are a small(ish) percentage, but an involved percentage. Hard to participate in this sport with out funds. Money gets you access. Perhaps skip the next set of dubs and invest that cash with an organization that works to promote your lifestyle. Better yet educate yourself and your neighbors and be involved physically in the organization.
Leftys, libs progressives - whatever the name are usually more successful grassroot politically, because they are more willing to participate in their own lives. They have a dinner party and talk to a dozen aquaintances about an issue over a bottle of wine and dinner. Then those folks might do the same over and over, then participate in a meeting, etc.
Conservative, right wingers and the like tend to say who do I write the check to, and thats the end of their involvement. It seems that after that, they'll let El Rushbo, or Lars or Hannity rattle their chicklets for them.
I'm sorry, I could rattle my own chicklets forever on this. I'll just shush now.