im still waiting on a legitimate response with some sort of intelect that attempts to prove my "conspiracy theories" to be complete crap.
What i talk about has visuals.
theres bills that have been passed that allow them to arrest anyone they want. start putting the pieces together:
censorship of the internet
bills passed for indefinate detainment
george bush senior speaking of how sure he is of being successful wth New World Order
Disposible cascets
Concrete tombs
the videos i posted showing my links immediately wiped off facebook.
massive underground bases.
fox story this morning on what the DHS considers "terrorist activity" ( people even talking about this such as i am )
the fact that millions of people are talking about all this.
the fact that millions of people talking about it on the web are considered terrorists.
the fact that it is a perfect formula and perfect reason to arrest millions, and those millions of cascets and concrete tombs could very possibly be meant for those suspected of "terrorist activity"
the fact that you had romney in the debate stating that these terrorists need a bullet to the head.
now think about the common behavior of man with their "sheep-like" behavior of doing what theyre told or believing that everythings fine..... and take the words "conspiracy theory" and think about how people react automatically when theyre told something is nothing but a conspiracy theory.
uneducated person/someone that knows somethings up but isnt supposed ti disclose information: " dude chill its just a conspiracy theory"
dude that asked the question: " oh, okay yeah conspiracy theory. those dang loonies, no worries then"
now theres some common sense in quick easy form in case intricate words or analogies confuse most.
id like to hear an arguement on the opposite side. give VISUALS to support the arguement, and remember that those VISUALS need to have as much merit as the other side to be comparible.
now lets look at history and remember that in the past you have leaders building empires and having armies wiping out civilizations/pupulations.
what makes you think that people dont think like that today? what makes you think that its totally impossible in todays world? especially now that theres almost 7 billion people on the planet. and you have the fox story that interiews a man of some power saying theres too many people and population needs tj be reduced/restricted.
so give evidence and visuals that have potency, that totally disproves all this crazy nonsense.
oh, and they JUST NOW had a Fox story of how they consider people like me to be METH HEADS. expressing views about what the government is up to.
well, there's millions of people that express their views publically such as me,
if they arrest millions of people on METH, thats millions of people gone, and millions of people that they dont have to release, and dont have to give a trial to.
im still waiting on a legitimate response with some sort of intelect that attempts to prove my "conspiracy theories" to be complete crap.
What i talk about has visuals.
theres bills that have been passed that allow them to arrest anyone they want. start putting the pieces together:
censorship of the internet
bills passed for indefinate detainment
george bush senior speaking of how sure he is of being successful wth New World Order
Disposible cascets
Concrete tombs
the videos i posted showing my links immediately wiped off facebook.
massive underground bases.
fox story this morning on what the DHS considers "terrorist activity" ( people even talking about this such as i am )
the fact that millions of people are talking about all this.
the fact that millions of people talking about it on the web are considered terrorists.
the fact that it is a perfect formula and perfect reason to arrest millions, and those millions of cascets and concrete tombs could very possibly be meant for those suspected of "terrorist activity"
the fact that you had romney in the debate stating that these terrorists need a bullet to the head.
now think about the common behavior of man with their "sheep-like" behavior of doing what theyre told or believing that everythings fine..... and take the words "conspiracy theory" and think about how people react automatically when theyre told something is nothing but a conspiracy theory.
uneducated person/someone that knows somethings up but isnt supposed ti disclose information: " dude chill its just a conspiracy theory"
dude that asked the question: " oh, okay yeah conspiracy theory. those dang loonies, no worries then"
now theres some common sense in quick easy form in case intricate words or analogies confuse most.
id like to hear an arguement on the opposite side. give VISUALS to support the arguement, and remember that those VISUALS need to have as much merit as the other side to be comparible.
now lets look at history and remember that in the past you have leaders building empires and having armies wiping out civilizations/pupulations.
what makes you think that people dont think like that today? what makes you think that its totally impossible in todays world? especially now that theres almost 7 billion people on the planet. and you have the fox story that interiews a man of some power saying theres too many people and population needs tj be reduced/restricted.
so give evidence and visuals that have potency, that totally disproves all this crazy nonsense.
hey..your move along to Washington and solve it...thanx for enlightening me..drop us a line when you make it all ok...thanx again for your efforts to save are my hero...
hey..your move along to Washington and solve it...thanx for enlightening me..drop us a line when you make it all ok...thanx again for your efforts to save are my hero...
meh I'm pretty bored so I will bite.
The US wouldn't genecide and kill millions of its own people who are the live blood OF the government. What sense would it make to slaughter tons of american citizens? And who do you think the military personnell are more loyal to? Their families and communities or the government.
At worst I could MAYBE see them rounding up the bums and do nothings in this society and offing them, which might boost the economy.
and to fight the negatives of yours, I will state the positives. Right now economically we are as sound as we have been in quite some time. The big 3 car/truck makers are all making profits for the first time in 5 years and at least Ford is reinvesting these profits in their employees which will help boost the economies across the nation. Also, within the next 10 years it has been guestimated that a majority of the skilled manufacturing jobs will be moved out of china and such and quite a few will return to the USA due to rising costs of fuel, increase in cost of land in china, and increases in demanded hourly wages in china. Thus the economy will do nothing but improve from here on out. Also, I saw another report and it stated that Americans on average have reduced their debts by 11%, which may not seem like much, but that's huge overall.
Also, I don't know if you realize this but reducing population is bad for the economy overall. That means less construction to be doing, reduced staff needed at schools, hospitals, and less income tax going to the gov't.
So, my question I have for you is what purpose would killing/imprisoning millions of Americans do for the government?
ps I'm quite glad I bought stock in Ford about a week ago, they are about to explode in growth and they have a dividend too(which is pretty neat)!
meh I'm pretty bored so I will bite.
The US wouldn't genecide and kill millions of its own people who are the live blood OF the government. What sense would it make to slaughter tons of american citizens? And who do you think the military personnell are more loyal to? Their families and communities or the government.
At worst I could MAYBE see them rounding up the bums and do nothings in this society and offing them, which might boost the economy.
and to fight the negatives of yours, I will state the positives. Right now economically we are as sound as we have been in quite some time. The big 3 car/truck makers are all making profits for the first time in 5 years and at least Ford is reinvesting these profits in their employees which will help boost the economies across the nation. Also, within the next 10 years it has been guestimated that a majority of the skilled manufacturing jobs will be moved out of china and such and quite a few will return to the USA due to rising costs of fuel, increase in cost of land in china, and increases in demanded hourly wages in china. Thus the economy will do nothing but improve from here on out. Also, I saw another report and it stated that Americans on average have reduced their debts by 11%, which may not seem like much, but that's huge overall.
Also, I don't know if you realize this but reducing population is bad for the economy overall. That means less construction to be doing, reduced staff needed at schools, hospitals, and less income tax going to the gov't.
So, my question I have for you is what purpose would killing/imprisoning millions of Americans do for the government?
ps I'm quite glad I bought stock in Ford about a week ago, they are about to explode in growth and they have a dividend too(which is pretty neat)!
you say you are 18? you are pretty smart for your age ill give you that.
if you look at the georgia guidestones, which the construction of the monument was funded by unknown, it says maintain population under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. 500,000 is alot. remember we're in debt ( supposedly ). remember that with less people brings less violence/problems. 500,000,000 of the most well behaved humans ( in their eyes ) would mean a cleaner, less crowded earth. abundant resources not totally consumed by the cancer of the planet.
businesses would still run. not as many though of course. remember all the debt we're in? The money is somewhere. in the hands of the people that run the federal reserves? perhaps. New World Order, and one of the guidlines within is a one world currency. eliminate the useless jobs, and only have the things that wealthy people see to be perfect to have for some pretty perfect lives.
food. Electronics. entertainment, resources. fuels. energy. and lots and lots of toys. what more if a perfect life?
im going to tell everybody something. you guys may think of it how you want to think about it.
when i was living in Fife, i had met a girl at the apartment office i was living at. she just moved up here from texas. real nice, georgeous lady. 29 yr old female. got to talking to her for a bit and she became comfortable. I asked her what brought her up here. she said she had a husband that was abusive. she also said that he works for a company that protects the governments files against hackers ( which obviously aint workin too well ) . she said she left to get away from the abusiveness and she left because he started telling her about how the government has underground bases, and they want to get rid of a bunch of people, and when theyre bodies are disposed of, the people hiding underground will be able to enjoy the world for themselves.
this was after i had gained knowledge of everything on the matter, but i was still skeptical, because she was just some random woman.
later i went to do some writing with a pen she had let me borrow like a week before when i first saw her in the office.
but this time, i had noticed that it was a Skillcraft U.S. Government pen. well built, with a stainless ring on the outside, and the cartrage was made of yellow brass.
i just thought it was interesting. because even though she was some random person, her ex husband did work for the government, and i had a US government pen in my hand. so just maybe he really does work for the government.
ehh, I still don't see how they would kill said millions of people. How would they go about it? and I can't remember have we even reached 500M people in this country yet?
ehh, I still don't see how they would kill said millions of people. How would they go about it? and I can't remember have we even reached 500M people in this country yet?
500,000,000 people for the whole entire world bro.... one world government. one world currency. look at the other threads you will see how hey will go about it. and ill post a vid of a congress speaker reading a bill about how they will go about it. Not posting it now, im on my iphone. powers out, and we're in our RV cause the ice storm is snapping trees like twigs and we have a nice sized tree leaning towards our house