All due respect . i have a 860 on my shelf with a cracked cylinder as well. Cylinders can Only be repaired so many times before trashing them, I also know that when an 860 gets trashed so bad it can no longer be restored to an 860 ,Some builders turn that cylinder into an 880.No- body has been building the 880 as long as I have. I have run and tested/tuned them solely since 07,not one skirt failure and i only use good cylinders. If I recycled cylinders I too would expect failures. Jus sayin, It take trust that your builder recognizes when to disgaurd a jug instead of cover her up with shinny plating.
Whos 860 cylinders are they? I might be interested in them! I think I ruined mine getting port happy trying to run a set of twins not made for the r. doh.