APPARENTLY Indy Dan does not know how to figure out average mph, you don't just divide total miles by total hours,every time you let a sled warmup every time you leave a sled idle, you are putting on hours but no miles,you cant believe how this cuts down your average mph, and this all depends how cold it is [engine takes longer to warm up] and how many times a day you stop, how many stop signs .and on and on. I never said I spend every minute at wide open throttle, if you ride hard 1/3 of the time and steady 2/3 of the time, you've still put your machine to a pretty good test.If you don't think you can get 17-18 mpg, go out on a 20 degree day on hard trails with very few corners and drive a fairly steady 40 or 50 and see what you get, I don't average 17-18 every trip, but I have quite a few fillups, 2 weeks ago I got 10 on the trails breaking 3 - 10 inches of snow.. As far as 500 miles a weekend, I should of said 3-day weekend,but to to tell someone you cant ride 500 miles a weekend, we had a guy years ago that rode 500 miles a day ,and I sure there is someone on here that knows people who ride to these extremes.WERE GOING TO FIND OUT BY THE END OF WINTER WHO RIGHT AND WHOS WRONG Indy dan or me,but seeing he said the rings would be wore out at 1500,i guess at 2100 miles , at least my engine has proved him wrong.I agree with the guy who posted most compression testers don't read right, especially ones with long hoses.I ALSO KNOW taking a leakdowm test is part of determining the shape your engine is in. Far as where I ride, the U.P. of MI., lots of railroad grades an forest roads, its a lot harder to put miles on in tight twisty trails. As far as my last post, being my first on this site WRONG, I was a member way back in 2011,but I am currently not a member.